[CSS] Stack td and th in reStructuredText list table on Mobile Screen
Stack td and th elements in reStructuredText list table on small screen.
read more »Stack td and th elements in reStructuredText list table on small screen.
read more »Remove prefix of Pelican PATH_METADATA using Python named regular expression group.
read more »adb push error caused by illegal character in file name on Android.
read more »Update modification time of photo/video according to EXIF data using command line.
read more »Find images with specific dimension using Linux command line.
read more »Copy files to Android smart phone without losing timestamps.
read more »Build and run GopherJS in Go modules mode.
read more »Use GitHub Actions for Pelican Site CI/CD instead of Travis CI.
read more »Add build timestamp to Pelican site automatically during generating the site.
read more »How to parse a UTF-16 XML file in Go.
read more »Programmatically fire enter key event in Go/GopherJS.
read more »CSS only responsive Bulma 0.9.0 navbar without JavaScript. Toggle mobile menu with CSS only. No JavaScript required.
read more »Remove last character of UTF-8 string via utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString in Go.
read more »Given a directory, remove all empty sub-directories in Go.
read more »Check if an environment variable exists using os.LookupEnv in Go.
read more »Build an offline copy of a website made by Pelican static site generator.
read more »Use regular expresion groups to replace texts in Vim.
read more »Create short pieces of templates using fmt.Sprintf in Go.
read more »Go solution to Distinct powers - Problem 29 - Project Euler.
read more »Read twice or multiple times from the same io.Reader in Go
read more »Given an URL, auto-detect and convert the encoding of the HTML document to UTF-8 if it is not UTF-8 encoded in Go.
read more »Given an URL, determine the encoding of the HTML document in Go using golang.org/x/net/html and golang.org/x/text packages.
read more »Reverse a string using for or range keyword in Go.
read more »Go solution to Number spiral diagonals - Problem 28 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Names scores - Problem 22 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Counting Sundays - Problem 19 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Pandigital products - Problem 32 - Project Euler.
read more »Create new or custom error using fmt.Errorf or errors.New in Go.
read more »Go WebAssembly XMLHttpRequest (XHR) - Issue HTTP requests to exchange data between browsers (client) and servers.
read more »CSS only toggle Foundation accordion (collapsible content). No JavaScript required.
read more »Pelican static site generator - Create URL of page or article based on the full path relative to the content source directory.
read more »Go WebAssembly Event Binding - addEventListener example.
read more »Implementation of reusable Vue.js component for tab panel.
read more »Reusable Vue.js component for Semantic UI basic tabs example.
read more »Given a string with Chinese characters, convert the Chinese characters in the string to Pinyin (romanization system for Chinese) in Go.
read more »Reusable Vue.js component to extend Bootstrap navigational tabs to create tabbable panes of local content.
read more »Given a rune value, check if the rune is a Chinese character.
read more »Download and save files (image, pdf, etc.) from given URL in Go.
read more »Use Go regexp package to repace spaces and newline in the string.
read more »Read non-utf8 webpage with goquery if the charset of the page is known.
read more »Reusable Vue.js component for Bulma tabs, and extend the original Bulma tabs by adding a pane to for each tab.
read more »Go solution to Coin sums - Problem 31 - Project Euler.
read more »Show how to load and run Go WebAssembly code.
read more »Go WebAssembly querySelectorAll example.
read more »Go WebAssembly querySelector example.
read more »CSS only toggle Semantic UI dropdown. No JavaScript required.
read more »CSS only toggle Bulma collapse. No JavaScript required.
read more »CSS only toggle Bootstrap tab panel. No JavaScript required.
read more »CSS only Semantic UI basic tab. No JavaScript required.
read more »CSS only toggle Bootstrap accordion (collapsible content). No JavaScript required.
read more »CSS only toggle Bootstrap collapse. No JavaScript required.
read more »Toggle Bulma modal via Vue.js.
read more »Toggle Bootstrap modal via Vue.js.
read more »CSS only toggle Bootstrap modal. No JavaScript required.
read more »Naive method for primality test in Go: Given a natural number n, if n is divisible by any number from 2 to square root of n, then n is composite. Otherwise n is prime.
read more »Extract plain text from PDF via github.com/ledongthuc/pdf package.
read more »First try of Go WebAssembly - Say Hello World via alert method.
read more »Convert int or int64 to string in Go via fmt.Sprintf.
read more »Increase or decrease font size with buttons via Vue.js.
read more »Use anonymous function in Go defer statement.
read more »Use Go defer statement to elegantly wait for all goroutines to finish.
read more »Pass command-line arguments to make and then pass then arguments to Go program in Makefile.
read more »Calculate politeness of a number online, i.e., the number of ways it can be expressed as the sum of consecutive integers.
read more »Unmarshal JSON data in which the field name is determined at runtime in Go.
read more »Calculate politeness of a number in Go, i.e., the number of ways it can be expressed as the sum of consecutive integers
read more »Upgrade from Ubuntu Linux 17.10 to 18.04 and disk space runs out quickly. And how I fix this issue.
read more »Delete all files with zero size in a directory in Go. Sub-directories included.
read more »Get all links of story highlights of a specific Instagram user in Go. Use only Go standard library and no third-party packages needed.
read more »Online tool for prime factorization and calculating sum of proper divisors. The algorithm is implemented in JavaScript and UI in Vue.js.
read more »Run data change watchers with option via Go/GopherJS/gopherjs-vue.
read more »Go solution to Digit fifth powers - Problem 30 - Project Euler.
read more »Online tool that helps you do prime factorization. The algorithm is implemented in JavaScript and UI in Vue.js.
read more »Watch and react to data changes via Go/GopherJS/gopherjs-vue.
read more »Embed read-only files in Go code.
read more »Sieve of Eratosthenes is a simple and ancient method to find prime numbers up to a given limit. Given a limit, this online demo returns all prime number below the limit.
read more »Online demo of sieve of eratosthenes via Go/GopherJS/gopherjs-vue.
read more »Euler's Totient Function φ(n) counts the positive integers that are relatively prime to n. This online demo use naive method to calculate φ(n) and positive integers coprime to n.
read more »Goldbach's conjecture - Every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two primes. Given a positive even integer, this online demo returns the two primes.
read more »JavaScript implementation of Sieve of Eratosthenes.
read more »Go solution to Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Quadratic primes - Problem 27 - Project Euler.
read more »Check if a large number is divisible by 3 or not in Go. This exercise is good example for type casting between int and string in Go.
read more »Check if the value of HTML input text field is integer in Go. Compiled to JavaScript using GopherJS.
read more »2n + 1 = p + 2q always has a solution in primes p and q (not necessarily distinct) for n > 2. This online demo finds p and q for given odd number greater than 5. The demo is written in Go and compiled to JavaScript using GopherJS.
read more »check HTML text input field to see if the value is integer.
read more »2n + 1 = p + 2q always has a solution in primes p and q (not necessarily distinct) for n > 2. This online demo finds p and q for given odd number greater than 5.
read more »2n + 1 = p + 2q always has a solution in primes p and q (not necessarily distinct) for n > 2. Write a Go program to find p and q for given odd number greater than 5.
read more »Test if a number (at least 2-digit) is Lychrel number or not under limited iterations in Go.
read more »Programatically send mails using Gmail.
read more »Get last modified file, name of which starts with specific prefix, in Go.
read more »Given a biased coin with the probability of p to be head on each toss, where 0 < p < 1 and p ≠ 0.5, generate fair results from the biased coin.
read more »Given N numbers, generate any one of the given numbers according to given probabilities.
read more »Chrome extension to get cookies to access Instagram API.
read more »Remove duplicates from slice or array in Go.
read more »Chrome extension to help you get user information on user profile page. Also show id and invisible link to profile picture on the profile page.
read more »Given user name, get Instagram user information, such as id, username, biography, etc., in Go.
read more »Find oldest modified file in the directory, excluding sub-directories, in Go.
read more »Sort a list of words alphabetically in Go.
read more »Write a list of strings to file in Go programming language.
read more »Compare if the size of two files is the same in Go.
read more »Find files after a given timestamp in Go.
read more »Get last modified file before a specific time in Go.
read more »Get last Ubuntu Linux system boot/restart time in Go.
read more »Terminal UI - List items in directory via Go termui package.
read more »Split a folder with many files into multiple sub-folders in Go.
read more »Make slice empty in Go programming language.
read more »The uploaded name of photos/video of gphotosuploader includes full file path. Remove the directory path and leave only file name.
read more »List folder size in ascending orfer, excluding sub-folders, in Go.
read more »Use local web server to achieve communication between Chrome extension and local program.
read more »Chrome extension to get auth.json (cookies of Google Photos and Google account id) of gphotosuploader.
read more »Chrome extension to get Google account id from Google Photos.
read more »Chrome extension to get cookies of gphotosuploader.
read more »Move file to another folder via Go os.Rename method.
read more »Find files modified more than one day via Go standard time package.
read more »Calcualte total size of files in folder, excluding sub-folders in Go.
read more »List .go source files excluding _test.go files via find and grep command in bash.
read more »List folder size in descending and ascending order via du and sort command in bash.
read more »Find set differecne of two arrays, i.e., the elements in one array but not in the other, in Python.
read more »Find the set of all elements (union) in two arrays in Python.
read more »This Chrome extension helps you download Instagram profile picture in full size.
read more »Given the url of Instagram profile picture, return the url of profile picture in full size.
read more »Find common elements (matches, intersection) of two arrays in Python.
read more »Check if a program (or command), such as wget or ffmpeg, is available in Go.
read more »Find set differecne of two arrays, i.e., the elements in one array but not in the other, in JavaScript.
read more »Find set differecne of two arrays, i.e., the elements in one array but not in the other, in Go.
read more »Find the set of all elements (union) in two arrays in JavaScript.
read more »Find common elements (matches, intersection) of two arrays in JavaScript.
read more »Make my static website become like a mobile app via Progressive Web App (PWA).
read more »Find the set of all elements in two arrays in Go programming language.
read more »Find common elements (matches, intersection) of two arrays in Go programming language.
read more »Virtual kayboard/keypad via Go/GopherJS/gopherjs-vue.
read more »Use ffmpeg to merge Instagram video and audio of live replay shared to stories.
read more »Print HTTP response header via Go standard net/http package.
read more »Get urls of video and audio of Instagram user post live videos shared to stories via Go standard regexp package.
read more »Use Go standard os/exec package to run wget via shell command.
read more »Send HTTP request with cookies via Go standard net/http package.
read more »Go solution to Lexicographic permutations - Problem 24 - Project Euler.
read more »Disable caching in Go test.
read more »Use "incognito" manifest key "split" in Chrome Extension to leave logged in status.
read more »HTTP request with custom User-Agent header via Go standard net/http package.
read more »A Chrome extension to help you show Instagram mutual followers on user profile page.
read more »Get file name without extension in Go programming language.
read more »Embed file in QR code via Go programming language.
read more »When web pages are rendered with JavaScript, how to wait until the DOM nodes of original contents are available for appending our nodes?
read more »A Chrome extension to help you show Instagram id on the user page.
read more »A Chrome extension to help you try to get Facebook user id by URL change and print the id next to name if found.
read more »A Chrome extension to help you try to get Facebook user id by URL change.
read more »A naive Chrome extension to help you get URL of images of Facebook Stories.
read more »Trick to get Instagram post live video items.
read more »Access Instagram API to discover Top lives in Go programming language. Use only Go standard library and no third-party packages needed.
read more »Instagram web top search client in Go programming language. Use only Go standard library and no third-party packages needed.
read more »Sort files by size in Go. Use sort.Slice on the slice of os.FileInfo returned by ioutil.ReadDir.
read more »Get URL of photos and videos in Instagram post via Go programming language. Use only Go standard library and no third-party packages needed.
read more »Get URL of all posts of a specific Instagram user via Go programming language. Use only Go standard library and no third-party packages needed.
read more »Get Instagram following and followers of a specific user via Go programming language. Use only Go standard library and no third-party packages needed.
read more »JavaScript code for Bulma modal component. The code is extracted from Bulma official website.
read more »Go toggle code for Bulma modal component.
read more »Get links of Instagram highlight stories of a specific user via Go programming language. Use only Go standard library and no third-party packages needed.
read more »Get links of Instagram stories of a specific user via Go programming language. Use only Go standard library and no third-party packages needed.
read more »CSS only Semantic UI standard accordion. No JavaScript required.
read more »Caveat: Passing reference/pointer to goroutine function while range slice in Go.
read more »Get the list of following Instagram stories via Go programming language. Use only Go standard library and no third-party packages needed.
read more »Given user name, get Instagram user id via Go programming language. Use only Go standard library and no third-party packages needed.
read more »Go strings.Index is equivalent to JavaScript String.prototype.indexOf()
read more »Get the URL of the current tab from Chrome extension, written in Go.
read more »Go toggle code for Bulma dropdown component.
read more »Get domain name from URL via Go standard net/url package.
read more »CSS only toggle Semantic UI modal. No JavaScript required.
read more »CSS only Bulma tab panel implementation.
read more »CSS only Bulma accordion (collapsible content) implementation.
read more »Bulma accordion (collapsible content) implementation via Vue.js.
read more »CSS only toggle Bulma modal. No JavaScript required.
read more »Add more features to Bulma tabs via Vue.js.
read more »Make Bulma components (message, card, etc.) to be of equal height in columns.
read more »Calculate the length of string (UTF-8) in Go. Iterate over the UTF-8 string by for or range keyword.
read more »Show keyCode of pressed key of focused HTML input element via Go/GopherJS/gopherjs-vue.
read more »Go solution to Non-abundant sums - Problem 23 - Project Euler.
read more »Toggle (Show/Hide) HTML DOM element via Go/GopherJS/gopherjs-vue.
read more »Fetch a public post on Blogger and extract data via goquery.
read more »JavaScript code for Bulma dropdown menu. The code is extracted from Bulma official website.
read more »Go toggle code for Bulma responsive navbar, dropdown menu included.
read more »JavaScript code for Bulma responsive navbar, dropdown menu included. The code is extracted from Bulma official website.
read more »Remove HTML inline style, i.e., remove style attribute from HTML node via Go net/html package.
read more »Show tooltip when the cursor hovers over the text, and close the tooltip with delay if the cursor is not in the tooltip via Dart programming language.
read more »Convert specific texts to clickable links (<a> tag) in HTML document via Go/GopherJS.
read more »Go solution to Number letter counts - Problem 17 - Project Euler.
read more »Convert specific texts to clickable links (<a> tag) in HTML document via JavaScript.
read more »Append text at the beginning of each line via JavaScript.
read more »Spell numbers from 1 to 1000 in English via Go programming language.
read more »Show tooltip when the cursor hovers over the text, and close the tooltip with delay if the cursor is not in the tooltip via Go/GopherJS.
read more »Show tooltip when the cursor hovers over the text, and close the tooltip with delay if the cursor is not in the tooltip via JavaScript.
read more »Simple tooltip implementation via Go/GopherJS.
read more »Simple tooltip implementation via JavaScript.
read more »Get HTML DOM element position (including scroll position of the document) in Go/GopherJS.
read more »Show annotatoin (note) on mouse hovering over text. Used to help users read ancient Buddhist texts.
read more »Go solution to 1000-digit Fibonacci number - Problem 25 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Factorial digit sum - Problem 20 - Project Euler.
read more »Show CSS loading spinner while resources of the website are loading in Go/GopherJS.
read more »Multiplication of big natural numbers in Go. This is for very large positive integers which overflows the built-in numerical type in Go.
read more »Check for undefined in Go/GopherJS.
read more »Go solution to Power digit sum - Problem 16 - Project Euler.
read more »Test if a JavaScript variable is null in Go/GopherJS.
read more »CSS only toggle the color of HTML DOM element. No JavaScript required.
read more »Know which language(s) users prefer on browsers in Go/GopherJS.
read more »Go solution to Lattice paths - Problem 15 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Large sum - Problem 13 - Project Euler.
read more »Addition of big natural numbers in Go. This is for very large positive integers which overflows the built-in numerical type in Go.
read more »Go solution to Largest product in a grid - Problem 11 - Project Euler.
read more »Execute a function after waiting a specific length of time in Go/GopherJS.
read more »Manipulate the class attribute of a HTML element via classList property in Go/GopherJS.
read more »Given a string of 20x20 grid, convert the string to two dimensional slice in Go.
read more »Set/Get inline style of a HTML element via style property in Go/GopherJS.
read more »Go solution to Even Fibonacci numbers - Problem 2 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Multiples of 3 and 5 - Problem 1 - Project Euler.
read more »Access HTML data-* attributes of elements in Go/GopherJS.
read more »Send data to servers or retrieve data from servers on browsers - Use XMLHttpRequest method in Go/GopherJS.
read more »Create and append DOM element or text node in Go/GopherJS. Show how to use createElement, createTextNode, and appendChild methods.
read more »Detect user keypress on browsers in Go/GopherJS.
read more »Event binding in Go/GopherJS - Register an event handler to the specified DOM element via addEventListener method.
read more »Change the content of DOM element - Set and get innerHTML and textContent in Go/GopherJS.
read more »Show how to use querySelector, querySelectorAll, getElementById in Go/GopherJS.
read more »Show how to use JavaScript new keyword in Go/GopherJS.
read more »Synonyms - Go/GopherJS idioms and snippets translated to JavaScript
read more »Detect arrow keys pressed by users via Vue.js.
read more »The first frontend program in Go - Show Hello World in your browser.
read more »Discuss why I choose Go to be my frontend programming language. Wirte Go code and run your application on web browsers.
read more »Given a natural number (integer), calculate the number of divisors of it in Go programming language.
read more »Go solution to highly divisible triangular number - Problem 12 - Project Euler.
read more »Check if Makefile runs on Travis CI or not.
read more »Go solution to largest product in a series - Problem 8 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to sum square difference - Problem 6 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to longest Collatz sequence - Problem 14 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to summation of primes - Problem 10 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to 10001st prime - Problem 7 - Project Euler.
read more »Check if an item is in slice or array in Go programming language.
read more »Goldbach's conjecture - Every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two primes. Given a positive even integer, write a Go program to find the two primes.
read more »Check if a string exists in file via Go regexp package.
read more »Euler's totient function implementation in Go programming language.
read more »Find least common multiple (LCM) by greatest common divisor (GCD) via Go programming language.
read more »Go solution to smallest multiple - Problem 9 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to special Pythagorean triplet - Problem 9 - Project Euler.
read more »DOM manipulation - traverse all sibling elements or nodes via Dart.
read more »DOM manipulation - traverse all sibling elements or nodes via JavaScript.
read more »Tab panel implementation via Dart and CSS.
read more »Tab panel implementation via JavaScript and CSS.
read more »Accordion (collapsible content) implementation via Dart.
read more »Modal (Popup) implementation via Dart and CSS. Modal is dialog box/popup window that is displayed on top of the current page.
read more »Go solution to amicable numbers - Problem 21 - Project Euler.
read more »Accordion (collapsible content) implementation via JavaScript.
read more »CSS only accordion (collapsible content) implementation.
read more »Accordion (collapsible content) implementation via Vue.js.
read more »CSS only tab panel implementation.
read more »Integer exponentiation in Go programming language.
read more »Calculate the sum of all proper divisors (factors) of an integer number in Go programming language.
read more »Simple example of a WebSocket client via GopherJS. Connect and send a message to the WebSocket server that echos everything from clients.
read more »Go solution to largest prime factor of 600851475143 - Problem 3 - Project Euler.
read more »Tab panel implementation via Vue.js and CSS.
read more »Dropdown menu implementation via Vue.js and CSS.
read more »Compute the greatest common divisor (GCD) via Euclidean algorithm in Go programming language.
read more »Modal (Popup) implementation via JavaScript and CSS. Modal is dialog box/popup window that is displayed on top of the current page.
read more »CSS only modal (popup). No JavaScript required. Modal is dialog box/popup window that is displayed on top of the current page.
read more »Modal (Popup) implementation via Vue.js and CSS. Modal is dialog box/popup window that is displayed on top of the current page.
read more »Example of Makefile rules for Go linters.
read more »Prime Factorization - Find all prime factors of a given integer number in Go programming language.
read more »Check whether two strings are anagram of each other by characters count in Go programming language.
read more »Sort a string by character, i.e., convert the string to []rune and then sort the slice of runes in Go programming language.
read more »Check whether two strings are anagram of each other by sorting in Go programming language.
read more »My answer to How can I get Chinese first letter(Pinyin) by using Go language? - Stack Overflow
read more »Compute the length of longest common subsequence via recursion in Go.
read more »Web scraping JavaScript rendered webpages by Chrome Debugging Protocol . Write Go code to programmatically login Facebook and then take screenshot.
read more »Traverse DOM tree to grab visible texts on webpage via JavaScript.
read more »Traverse DOM tree to find out all text nodes via JavaScript.
read more »Build Chrome Extension with Go, compiled to JavaScript via GopherJS. This post show you how to build Chrome extension that convert the web page of Simplified Chinese website to Traditional Chinese.
read more »My implementation of atoi function, which converts a string representing decimal number to its corresponding int type, in Go programmming language.
read more »Pass command line arguments (flags) in Go test.
read more »Use Vue.js to manipulate HTML select element. First show how to use v-model directive to create data bindings for select element. Then use the selected option to make some animation via animate.css.
read more »Embed any type of file in string literal in Go code.
read more »Test how filename globbing works in Go standard library.
read more »Go solution to largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers. - Problem 4 - Project Euler.
read more »CSS rule for HTML img element to be both responsive and centered.
read more »Test Text-to-Speech feature in Web Speech API. Not working in Chromium 57, but OK in Firefox 53.
read more »Responsive CSS separator line in nav bar (navigation bar). The CSS divider is vertical on tablet/desktop/wide screen and becomes horizontal on mobile/small screen.
read more »CSS only responsive nav bar (navigation bar) via flexbox. Toggle mobile menu with CSS only. No JavaScript required. No CSS frameworks (Bootstrap, Bulma, etc.) required.
read more »Go implementation of primality test - optimized school method.
read more »Exercise to draw 3x3 grid of dots via Canvas.
read more »Go implementation of Sieve of Eratosthenes.
read more »Pure CSS solution for inverting (transposing) rows and columns of a HTML Table, and provide an option to toggle (original/inverted) the HTML table as well.
read more »Check if an integer number is palindrome in Go programming language.
read more »Go type conversion (type casting) between string and integer number.
read more »Go type conversion (type casting) between string and floating number.
read more »Get the attribute of a HTML element via named group matches in Go regexp package.
read more »Given a text and a wildcard pattern, implement wildcard pattern matching algorithm that finds if wildcard pattern is matched with text in Go programming language.
read more »Select and style the first row (or n-th row) of table via CSS :nth-of-type() selector
read more »Select and style the first column (or n-th column) of table via CSS :nth-of-type() selector
read more »Embed data/assets/resources/binary in Go code, and compiled by GopherJS to a single JavaScript file which runs on the front-end browser.
read more »Make a responsive HTML table using div element and Bulma CSS framework.
read more »Go implementation of BK-tree data structure used for approximate string matching in a dictionary. The distance metric here is Levenshtein distance, the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one string into the other.
read more »Go implementation of Wagner-Fischer algorithm that computes the edit distance between two strings of characters. The edit distance here is Levenshtein distance, the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one string into the other.
read more »Recursive implementation of Levenshtein distance algorithm in Go programming language. Levenshtein distance (LD) is a measure of the similarity between two strings, the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one string into the other.
read more »Example of Go enumerated constants using iota enumerator, and print the string representation of enum name.
read more »reStructuredText - “Back to Top” Link
read more »Simple tooltip implementation via Dart programming language.
read more »Create gh-pages branch and publish your static website to GitHub Pages in Makefile.
read more »GitHub Pages set Content-Type according to the name of symlink, not the file name that the symlink references to.
read more »CSS only toggle the width of centered HTML DOM element. No JavaScript required.
read more »Create a directory if it does not exist. Otherwise do nothing.
read more »Check if a file, directory, or symbolic link exists, or not exists, in Go programming language.
read more »Demonstrate the usage of your methods by writing example code in the testing of your package in Go programming language.
read more »My favorite way to empty an array in JavaScript and why.
read more »Get query string of URL in request handler of HTTP server via Go standard net/http Package.
read more »CSS only responsive Bootstrap navbar (navigation bar) without JavaScript. Toggle mobile menu with CSS only. No JavaScript required.
read more »XMLHttpRequest (XHR) example by Vue.js.
read more »How to seed the pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) properly in Go programming language.
read more »Enable cross-domain XHR requests in Go server via Go standard net/http package.
read more »Implement static file server with custom HTTP 404 Not Found handler via Go standard net/http package.
read more »A Go server that returns HTTP request headers via JSONP.
read more »Go equivalent of Python string startswith and endswith methods.
read more »JSONP example - show your HTTP request headers.
read more »Pretty print JSON string via Vue.js.
read more »Pass slice or array as variadic (...) parameter in Go programming language.
read more »Variadic Function Example in Go - Implement addEventListener method via GopherJS.
read more »Find all permutations of a given string containing all distinct characters in Go programming language.
read more »Pure CSS typing text effect. No JavaScript required.
read more »Sequential and parallel typing text effect by Vue.js.
read more »Sequential typing text effect by JavaScript.
read more »Parallel typing text effect by JavaScript.
read more »Simple tooltip implementation via React JavaScript.
read more »Simple tooltip implementation via Vue.js.
read more »CSS only tooltip, extracted from the example of MDN, and the corresponding JavaScript implementation.
read more »Quiz will appear at the end of YouTube video.
read more »Show youtube video if users pass the quiz.
read more »Do not use fmt.Fprintf to write to file
read more »Web scraping - fetch HTML DOM Style Object properties via goquery in Go programming language.
read more »CSS only toggle (show/hide) HTML DOM element without JavaScript.
read more »Toggle (Show/Hide) HTML DOM element in JavaScript.
read more »Extract template data from human readable YAML file and create textual output in Go.
read more »How to access (get/reference) DOM Element in Vue.js?
read more »Toggle (play/pause) audio sound if users click on DOM Element in Vue.js.
read more »Play audio sound if users click on DOM Element in Vue.js.
read more »CSS only responsive Bulma nav bar (navigation bar) without JavaScript. Toggle mobile menu with CSS only. No JavaScript required.
read more »Bug in Go 1.8 text/template and html/template package
read more »Go front-end programming - online service for conversion of Traditional and Simplified Chinese via GopherJS/godom/gojianfan.
read more »gojianfan - converter for Traditional and Simplified Chinese in Go programming language.
read more »Convert the kebab-case to camelCase in Go programming language.
read more »Fetch and parse a public post on Facebook and extract data via goquery in Go programming language.
read more »Parse the string of Unix time (also known as POSIX time or Epoch time) in Go programmming language.
read more »Implement querySelector in goquery
read more »Detect arrow keystrokes via event.key of KeyboardEvent in JavaScript.
read more »Complement to Go text/template and html/template package - Parse all files in directory (including sub-directories).
read more »Generate a random string from [a-z0-9] in Python
read more »Add method (function) to an existing type in external package in Go programming language.
read more »Get string from io.Writer (io writer) in Go programming language.
read more »Generate a random string from [a-z0-9] in C programming language.
read more »Toggle (Show/Hide) HTML DOM element in React JavaScript.
read more »Toggle (Show/Hide) HTML DOM element in Vue.js.
read more »draggable, movable (drag and drop) HTML element in Vue.js.
read more »Template inheritance via Go html/template package. Show how one tempalate extends from another, and also include templates, just as how we do by Python Jinja2.
read more »Provide input suggest feature via Vue.js. Usually used in dictionary application.
read more »How to monitor the change event of input text element in Vue.js.
read more »Read lines from web URL via Go programming language.
read more »Initialize 2-dimensional array/slice in Go programming language.
read more »Virtual kayboard/keypad in GopherJS. Used in Pāli Dictionary.
read more »Insert a line or string to n-th line of the file via Go programming language.
read more »Virtual kayboard/keypad in Dart programming language. Used in Pāli Dictionary.
read more »Virtual kayboard/keypad in vanilla JavaScript. Used in Pāli Dictionary.
read more »Provide input suggest feature via AngularJS. Usually used in dictionary application.
read more »Use Animate.css and AngularJS to animate your webpage.
read more »Use Animate.css and Vue.js to animate your webpage.
read more »Use Animate.css and GopherJS to animate your webpage.
read more »Append text line or string to the end of file via Go programming language.
read more »Generate a random string from [a-z0-9] in Dart.
read more »Virtual kayboard/keypad via Vue.js. Used in Pāli Dictionary.
read more »Virtual kayboard/keypad via AngularJS. Used in Pāli Dictionary.
read more »Remove leading and trailing empty strings in string array/slice via Go programming language.
read more »Replace specific pattern of strings in HTML files under directory via sed.
read more »Test if a string consists of single character or letter in Go programming language.
read more »Implementation of setting feature in web application via JSON, Web Storage (localStorage), and JavaScript.
read more »Test if an element contains a class via GopherJS.
read more »Generate a random string from [a-z0-9] in JavaScript.
read more »Read an image from web and resize it in Go programming language.
read more »Pelican static site generator - Localize theme with i18n_subsites plugin via custom Jinja2 filter. Implementation of gettext-like filter.
read more »Replace specific pattern of strings in HTML files under directory via sed.
read more »Pelican static site generator - Get partial pages or articles with specific metadata by Jinja2 built-in selectattr filter in theme.
read more »Example of accessing browser URL via JavaScript window.location.
read more »Pelican static site generator - Support multilingual in Pelican theme. Translate strings according to default language of settings in the theme. (implement macro gettext)
read more »Access (raw) href value of anchor tag (<a>) via GopherJS.
read more »Test if a variable is null via GopherJS.
read more »Change browser URL without reloading web pages - Example for how to use HTML history API.
read more »Change browser URL without reloading web pages - Example for HTML history API via GopherJS.
read more »Access URL, path, query string, etc. of current URL via window.location and GopherJS.
read more »Implementation of setting feature in web application via JSON, Web Storage, and GopherJS.
read more »Detect arrow keystrokes via GopherJS.
read more »DOM Example of createElement and createTextNode via GopherJS.
read more »Get prefix or suffix of a string in Makefile.
read more »Remove prefix or suffix from string via Go programming language.
read more »Example of onmouseenter and onmouseleave event via GopherJS.
read more »Concatenate and minify JavaScript files via Makefile, curl, and online Google Closure Compiler.
read more »Concatenate and minify JavaScript files via Bash script, curl, and online Google Closure Compiler.
read more »Publish your static website to GitHub project pages via ghp-import in Makefile.
read more »Given an installed package name on Ubuntu Linux, find its version in Makefile.
read more »Fail to build OpenCC Go binding on Ubuntu Linux 16.10, and how I fix it.
read more »How to parse command-line arguments (string variable) via flag package in Go programming language.
read more »Copy large number of files efficiently via Bash script on Linux.
read more »Focus and Blur of DOM element via GopherJS.
read more »Traverse DOM tree via GopherJS.
read more »Replace DOM element in place via GopherJS.
read more »Check node type (nodeType) of DOM element via GopherJS.
read more »Access child nodes (childNodes) of DOM element via GopherJS.
read more »Add tooltip to every word via GopherJS. Used in Pāli Tipiṭaka.
read more »Treeview via GopherJS. Used in Pāli Tipiṭaka.
read more »Resizable views via GopherJS. Used in Pāli Tipiṭaka.
read more »Two ways to register event handler via GopherJS: Set element on-Event property or addEventListener.
read more »Use getElementsByTagName to access head element via GopherJS.
read more »Tooltip via GopherJS. Used in Pāli Tipiṭaka.
read more »Insert (add, append) CSS to head element via GopherJS.
read more »JavaScript setTimeout equivalent in Go/GopherJS - time.AfterFunc.
read more »Show how to access/use this keyword via GopherJS.
read more »Example - Set or Get CSS property of DOM element via GopherJS.
read more »Add tooltip to every word via AngularJS. Used in Pāli Tipiṭaka.
read more »Synonyms - Python try-except translated to Go programming language.
read more »Client side gettext-like Internationalization (i18n) via AngularJS Directives.
read more »Client side gettext-like Internationalization (i18n) via AngularJS.
read more »Treeview via AngularJS. Used in Pāli Tipiṭaka.
read more »Tooltip via AngularJS. Used in Pāli Tipiṭaka.
read more »Resizable Views via AngularJS. Used in Pāli Tipiṭaka.
read more »Find Pāli word in Velthuis scheme, and replace them with unicode via Go programming language.
read more »Find redundant files saved by Chrome browser via Bash script.
read more »Find redundant files saved by Chrome browser via Go.
read more »Iterate over all DOM nodes/elements via goquery in Go programming language.
read more »Use find command to find all files with specific name and delete them in one line of command.
read more »Use find command to find all HTML files in a directory, but exclude the HTML files in some sub-directory.
read more »Run wkhtmltopdf on Travis CI, which convert HTML files with chinese characters to PDF.
read more »Convert HTML files in directory to PDF recursively via wkhtmltopdf and Bash script.
read more »Guess metadata from HTML webpage and convert it to reStructuredText format.
read more »Add basic HTML table to reStructuredText support for online HTML to reStructuredText service on Google App Engine Go.
read more »Online service on Google App Engine Go, which helps you extract title, image URL from Taobao item webpage, and output in reStructuredText format.
read more »Online HTML to reStructuredText service on Google App Engine Go.
read more »Convert HTML to restructuredtext format via net/html package in Go programming language. (Not fully supported)
read more »Given a webpage URL. Fetch the title of the webpage and output reStructuredText link on Google App Engine Go.
read more »Get HTML title via net/html package in Go programming language.
read more »Remove execute(x) permission of files in directory recursively via chmod command and Bash script.
read more »Convert HTML unordered (bulleted) list, HTML link, and HTML image to restructuredtext format via net/html package in Go programming language.
read more »Convert HTML unordered (bulleted) list and HTML link to restructuredtext format via net/html package in Go programming language.
read more »Search Taobao.com.
read more »Convert HTML unordered (bulleted) list to restructuredtext format via goquery in Go programming language.
read more »Replace HTML links node with text node of restructuredtext format in a webpage via goquery in Go programming language.
read more »Example of copy local files to remote machine which allows only SSH key login via rsync command.
read more »Custom 404 page for GitHub Pages. In the 404 page, a redirect link is created based on the current URL path.
read more »Upgrade from AWS EC2 t1.micro running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Apache-2.2 to t2.nano running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Apache-2.4.
read more »Create or migrate user account with SSH login only (no password login) on AWS EC2 t2.nano with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
read more »Move large number of files via tar command under Bash. This is much quicker than mv command if there are a lot of small files.
read more »Wrap Pāli words in span element via regular expression and Go.
read more »Get the number of children nodes via goquery in Go.
read more »Convert the format (Big5 encoding to UTF-8, remove DOS newline in file, replace string big5 with UTF-8, and append UNIX newline to end of file) of HTML files in directory via Bash script.
read more »Convert the name of files in directory to lowercase via Bash script.
read more »Output fixed width/length string in Go programming language.
read more »Read Yes/No (i.e., ask for user confirmation) from console in Go programming language.
read more »Create reStructuredText metadata via Go text/template and text/width package.
read more »Get the number of child nodes via Go net/html package.
read more »Convert encoding of file from Big5 to UTF-8, remove DOS newline in file, replace string big5 with UTF-8, and append UNIX newline to end of file.
read more »Get Vine video src URL via goquery in Go programming language. My answer to Stack Overflow question: Getting blank return when using GoQuery to get video src
read more »Scape JavaScript code to get campaign number via Go strings package.
read more »Answer to Stack Overflow question: go - How to get simple text from HTML page with goquery?.
read more »Pelican static site generator - Link to section in another page via reStructuredText.
read more »Equivalent of JavaScript getElementById via Go net/html package.
read more »Convert HTML table to reStructuredText list-table via goquery in Go programming language.
read more »Convert HTML table to reStructuredText list-table via Go net/html package. This is experimental and not robust implementation.
read more »Convert all HTML links to restructuredtext in a webpage via goquery in Go programming language.
read more »Extract text (i.e., footnote) in HTML via state machine and goquery in Go programming language.
read more »Iterate over all DOM elements in HTML via Go programming language. Use net/html package to parse and iterate all elements in HTML. Search for HTML links and output them in reStructuredText format.
read more »Copy content of textarea to clipboard via JavaScript.
read more »Example for how to replace a string in a variable in Makefile.
read more »Readlines from string or file in Go programming language.
read more »Extract title and URL from Hacker News comment via goquery, and then output the info to reStructuredText footnote.
read more »Search links of major search engines - Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex, Ecosia, Qwant.
read more »Wrap Pāli words in span element via regular expression and JavaScript.
read more »Copy content of textarea to clipboard via GopherJS.
read more »Extract title, image, and URL in buy123 product webpage via goquery, and then output the info to reStructuredText image.
read more »Make reStructuredText links of the same name anonymous via regular expression by sed stream editor.
read more »Replace footnote in reStructuredText format via regular expression by sed stream editor.
read more »Replace footnote in reStructuredText format via regular expression in Vim editor.
read more »Server get HTML form value from HTTP POST in Go programming language.
read more »Remove query string from URL in Go programming language.
read more »Get DOM element position (offset) via GopherJS.
read more »Find photos of me on Facebook.
read more »Get UTF-8 string width (width of English letter is 1, width of CJK character is 2) in Go programming language.
read more »A simple example to read HTML title via goquery in Go.
read more »Convert file encoding from Big5 to UTF-8 via Go programming language.
read more »Insert a line after first pattern match via sed stream editor.
read more »Download and save HTML file from given URL via Go. Do nothing if the HTML file already locally exists.
read more »Convert all files in a directory recursively (i.e., including subdirectories of the directory) from Big5 encoding to UTF-8 via iconv command.
read more »Find Pāli word in Velthuis scheme via Go programming language.
read more »Read JPEG image date from Exif metadata in Go programming language.
read more »Append text at the beginning of each line via sed stream editor.
read more »insertAfter - Insert new node after reference node via GopherJS. (opposite of insertBefore)
read more »Access head element in HTML document via GopherJS.
read more »Convert Traditional Chinese PO file to Simplified Chinese via OpenCC and sed in Makefile.
read more »Concatenate and Minify CSS via sed and tr command in Makefile.
read more »Minify HTML via Go programming language.
read more »Minify CSS via Go programming language.
read more »Remove C/C++ style comments via Go programming language.
read more »Concatenate and compress JavaScript files via Go programming language and online Google Closure Compiler.
read more »Concatenate JavaScript files via Go programming language.
read more »Automatically convert Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) PO file to Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) by OpenCC and Go programming language.
read more »Makefile - Create symbolic link if it does not exist. Otherwise do nothing.
read more »Find redundant files saved by Chrome browser via Python.
read more »Example for block action in Go text/template and html/template packages.
read more »Extract URL from reStructuredText link and insert the URL in the file as metadata via Python.
read more »Conversion Button of Traditional/Simplified Chinese on Website via JavaScript.
read more »Python script to convert HTML table to reStructuredText list-table via Beautiful Soup 4.
read more »Make font size of your website larger/smaller via JavaScript.
read more »Online concatenate and compress JavaScript files via Python script.
read more »Concatenate JavaScript files via Python script.
read more »Synonyms - Python Beautiful Soup 4 translated to JavaScript.
read more »Pelican static site generator - add Buddhist calendar in your theme.
read more »Write a bash script to convert wav to mp3 via ffmpeg on Ubuntu Linux 15.10.
read more »CSS for reStructuredText (rst) footnote and citation.
read more »Go regexp example of named group matches - extract metadata from file path.
read more »Pelican static site generator - Generate index.html by writing reStructuredText or Markdown.
read more »echo colorful output in Makefile.
read more »Show how to use MakeFunc in GopherJS by XMLHttpRequest (XHR) example.
read more »Python scripts to export PIXNET blog posts to files of reStructuredText format.
read more »Check if an item exists (is populated) in web storage (localStorage or sessionStorage) by GopherJS.
read more »Python Regular Expression to convert footnotes in file to reStructuredText format.
read more »Go querySelectorAll and querySelector Example by GopherJS.
read more »Tiny Go embedding code example of analogy to StringList implementation of reStructuredText.
read more »Call a function (method), with multiple arguments and returns, of a struct by name during run-time in Go. (run-time reflection)
read more »Call a function (method) of a struct by name during run-time in Go. (run-time reflection)
read more »Synonyms - Python class translated to Go
read more »Go toggle-able sidebar by GopherJS, inspired by Octopress.
read more »Go implemantation of succinct trie ported from Bits.js.
read more »Fix runtime error via goroutine in Go code compiled to JavaScript by GopherJS.
read more »Check if something (object, variable, API, ...) is undefined or not in GopherJS.
read more »Count leading spaces of a string in Go.
read more »List all files in a directory in Go. Similar to Python os.walk.
read more »Iterate over UTF-8 or non-ASCII strings in Go. Iterations by for or range keywords.
read more »Fix the bug in succinct trie implementation of Bits.js - Wrong trie insertion if words are not inserted in alphabetical order.
read more »Add the enter keypress event handler for the input text element by GopherJS
read more »Go programming language - Remove all children of a DOM element by GopherJS.
read more »Save variables of any type (struct, map, array, slice, etc.) in JSON format file via Go programming language.
read more »Pretty print variable (struct, map, array, slice) in Go.
read more »Makefile - Create a directory if it does not exist. Otherwise do nothing.
read more »Synonyms - Go/GopherJS idioms and snippets translated to JavaScript
read more »Implement gettext function on front-end (browsers) by GopherJS. The gettext function translates a text string into the user's native language.
read more »Write a Go program to compile your SASS/SCSS (CSS extension language) files to CSS via libsass and Go wrapper for libsass.
read more »Convert PO files to JSON format via Go. The data of JSON format can be passed to front-end by web servers to translate a text string into the user's native language. You can use the JSON data to implement gettext function in browsers.
read more »Convert PO files to JSON format via Python. The data of JSON format can be passed to front-end by web servers to translate a text string into the user's native language. You can use the JSON data to implement gettext function in browsers.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Access HTTP Request Header by getAllResponseHeaders() method in XMLHttpRequest (XHR) request.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Access Accept-Language field in HTTP Request Header by JSONP to detect browser language preference (user locale).
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Access window.navigator.language of NavigatorLanguage API to detect browser language preference (user locale).
read more »Packages of reStructuredText (to HTML) implementation in Go.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Show how to make cross-domain requests (CORS) by JSONP (JSON with Padding) technique, which allows data to be retrieved from servers of other domains. This is an example of full-stack Go, which uses Golang to develop web applications in both front-end and backend.
read more »Parse Accept-Language in HTTP Request Header in JavaScript Programming Language.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Use XMLHttpRequest (XHR) to send HTTP POST requests to send JSON data to remote server. This is an example of full-stack Go, which uses Golang to develop web applications in both front-end and backend.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Use XMLHttpRequest (XHR) to send HTTP GET requests to retrieve JSON data from remote server.
read more »Use xgettext (one of GNU gettext utilities) to extract translatable strings from HTML templates of Go html/template.
read more »i18n (Internationalization) Go web applications by GNU gettext tools and html/template. Use PO and MO files generated by gettext in Golang web application to render HTML of specific languages by html/template.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Show how to write a Go program to do DOM manipulation by example. This example show how to toggle (show/hide) a HTML element by GopherJS and its DOM binding.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Show how to write a Go program to do DOM manipulation by example. This example show how to write a draggable/movable element by GopherJS and its DOM binding.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Show how to write a Go program to do DOM manipulation by example. This example show how to write a dropdown menu by GopherJS and its DOM binding.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Show how to write a Go program to do DOM manipulation by example. This example show how to toggle (play/pause) sound on click event of a HTML DOM element.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Show how to write a Go program to do DOM manipulation by example. This example show how to play sound on click event of a HTML DOM element.
read more »Online snake game using Go programming language, compiled to JavaScript by GopherJS. (GopherJS DOM example)
read more »Online Pali (Pāli, Pāḷi) Input Method using Go programming language, compiled to JavaScript by GopherJS. (GopherJS DOM example)
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Show how to write a Go program to do DOM manipulation by example. This example shows how to access HTML data-* attribute.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Show how to write a Go program to do DOM manipulation by example. This example show how to access the value of HTML input element.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Show how to write a Go program to do DOM manipulation by example. Detect user keypress by registering keyboard event handler and print out the keycode of the keyboard event.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Show how to write a Go program to do DOM manipulation by example. Use addEventListener to attach event handler to specific DOM element.
read more »Example of how to use serve and build command of GopherJS.
read more »Run Golang program in your browser by GopherJS. Show how to write a Go program to do DOM manipulation by example. Use getElementById to access DOM element and set innerHTML of the element.
read more »Use SQLite in Go program. Write a Golang program to initialize a database, create a table, write some data to the table and read data from the table.
read more »Automatically convert Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) PO file to Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) by OpenCC and Python programming language.
read more »Support multiple languages in your (web) applications, by GNU gettext tools, which include xgettext, msginit, msgmerge, and msgfmt.
read more »Web scrape JavaScript rendered webpages by dryscrape, a lightweight web scraping library for Python.
read more »Automatic deployment of websites, by Pelican, Travis CI, and Github Pages
read more »Conversion of Traditional and Simplified Chinese by OpenCC and Python programming language.
read more »Conversion of Traditional and Simplified Chinese by OpenCC and Go programming language.
read more »Write a bash script to use wget to fetch webpages.
read more »Use regular expression in Python to search and find strings marked for i18n (Internationalization)
read more »Generate a random string from [a-z0-9] in Golang.
read more »i18n and L10n of Google App Engine Python web application, with webapp2, Jinja2, Babel, and pytz.
read more »Save JSON-format data in the directory using Go programming language.
read more »Use channels to wait for all goroutines to finish
read more »Responsive top navigation bar (navbar) used in this website.
read more »Include regular CSS file in SCSS file with pyScss.
read more »A simple custom responsive grid layout exmaple without CSS frameworks.
read more »Comparison of Python Jinja2 and Go html/template, side by side for easy reference - Go template custom function vs Jinja2 custom filter and function.
read more »Run cleanup function when receiving ^C signal.
read more »Poll RSS/ATOM feeds with Goroutines
read more »Multiple web.py applications with the same context (web.ctx)
read more »Comparison of Python Jinja2 and Go html/template, side by side for easy reference - Mimic Jinja2 template inheritance in Go html/template
read more »Comparison of Python Jinja2 and Go html/template, side by side for easy reference - Loop through Python Dictionaries vs Go Maps
read more »Comparison of Python Jinja2 and Go html/template, side by side for easy reference - Python List vs Go Arrays and Slices - Loop Index
read more »Comparison of Python Jinja2 and Go html/template, side by side for easy reference - Python List vs Go Arrays and Slices
read more »Web application (web.py framework) template runs on both Google App Engine Python and Apache with mod_wsgi.
read more »Parse Atom 1.0/RSS 2.0 web feeds in Go programming language.
read more »Convert Atom 1.0 to RSS 2.0 format in Go programming language.
read more »Access data-* attribute of HTML elements in Dart
read more »How to read XML/HTML files in Go programming language (for newbie) - Parse Atom 1.0 format.
read more »How to read XML/HTML files in Go programming language (for newbie) - Parse RSS 2.0 format.
read more »How to read XML/HTML files in Go programming language (for newbie) - Parse OPML format concisely.
read more »How to read XML/HTML files in Go programming language (for newbie) - Parse OPML format.
read more »Comparison of Python Jinja2 and Go html/template, side by side for easy reference - print Hello World! on screen
read more »How to read XML/HTML files in Go programming language (for newbie) - Read multiple direct child elements.
read more »Online Pali (Pāli, Pāḷi) Input Method using Dart programming language.
read more »Parse Accept-Language in HTTP Request Header in Go Programming Language.
read more »Comparison of Python Jinja2 and Go html/template, side by side for easy reference - Load and Serve Templates
read more »How to read XML/HTML files in Go programming language (for newbie) - Read a direct child element.
read more »Cross-domain requests by JSONP with object instance function as callback on Google App Engine for Python.
read more »Cross-domain requests by JSONP with anonymous callback function on Google App Engine for Python.
read more »Cross-domain requests by JSONP on Google App Engine for Python.
read more »How to read XML/HTML files in Go programming language (for newbie) - Read element attribute.
read more »Detect keystrokes in Dart programming language.
read more »How to pass command-line arguments (flags) in Go programming language.
read more »How to read XML/HTML files in Go programming language (for newbie) - Read element and its content.
read more »Draggable, movable (drag and drop) HTML element using Dart programming language.
read more »e.clientX => e.client.x & e.clientY => e.client.y
read more »Demonstrate how to make an online 0-9 keypad, which is draggable via jQuery and toggleable via vanilla JavaScript.
read more »Show how to pass JSON-format data using HTTP POST between browser (implemented with Dart) and web server (implemented with Go).
read more »Dropdown menu using Dart programming language.
read more »Hide div element when clicked outside it, using Dart programming language.
read more »Load Dart script while development or the browser supports dart. Otherwise load JavaScript as usual.
read more »Hide div element when clicked outside it, in vanilla JavaScript way. No jQuery or libraries are used.
read more »Dropdown menu using vanilla JavaScript. No jQuery or libraries are used.
read more »Toggle element (usually div) with pure CSS only (no JavaScript). Suitable for dropdown/menu application.
read more »Use AngularJS powerful custom directive to implement dropdown menu without jQuery or any other library.
read more »List all files in a directory recursively (i.e., including subdirectories of the directory), and use sed to rename the files.
read more »DOM element remove all children in Dart programming language
read more »Hello World program in C programming language
read more »Example of toggling DOM element using AngularJS, without any JavaScript code.
read more »Get the offset (position) of an AngularJS DOM element without jQuery
read more »Solution to mouseenter and mouseleave event in old version AngularJS.
read more »Draggable, movable HTML element using AngularJS.
read more »Safely execute an expression in angular from outside of the angular framework.
read more »Pretty print variable in Python
read more »Set HTML document title in AngularJS
read more »Update parent scope from child scope by event dispatching and listening mechanism.
read more »jQuery datepicker wrapped in AngularJS directive.
read more »Remove trailing newline (carriage return) of a string in C programming language.
read more »Toggle sound on click event of DOM element.
read more »Detect user locale/language from HTTP request header on Google App Engine for Python.
read more »Parse Accept-Language in HTTP Request Header in Python.
read more »Load CSS file dynamically.
read more »Remove leading and trailing whitespaces of a string in JavaScript.
read more »Play sound on click event of DOM element.
read more »JavaScript cross-browser HTTP POST request
read more »JavaScript cross-browser HTTP GET request
read more »Check DOM readiness in vanilla JavaScript.
read more »JavaScript library New Tong Wen Tang for conversion of Traditional and Simplified Chinese.
read more »Use onmousedown event instead of onclick event if the event handler to be fired before onblur event.
read more »Load website icon (favicon) dynamically.
read more »JavaScript equivalent of basename program.
read more »JavaScript Cross-Browser Implementation of onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave Event
read more »Change the scope (context) of anonymous function - change what this keyword refers to in anonymous function.
read more »Discuss the scope (context) of event handler and how to change what this keyword refers to.
read more »Detect the content change of HTML input elements in a cross-browser and consistent manner.
read more »Use social buttons to make your website more popular.
read more »JavaScript single callback for multiple asynchronous XHR requests.
read more »Redirect users to another website if the website is available.
read more »XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) in Python.
read more »JavaScript equivalent of Python string startswith, endswith, and contains.
read more »Create DOM elements by JavaScript.
read more »Serve DOM elements to clients dynamically on Google App Engine Python
read more »Bug-free way of removing child nodes of a DOM element in JavaScript.
read more »Cross-domain AJAX requests
read more »1% width of browser window equal to how many pixels?
read more »Width of browser window in pixel.
read more »Config Access-Control-Allow-Origin in HTTP headers on Google App Engine.
read more »Compare mouseenter, mouseleave, mouseover, and mouseout events.
read more »Load JavaScript scripts dynamically with dependencies.
read more »Send/receive data to/from Google App Engine Python servers by HTTP POST requests in AJAX way.
read more »Draggable, movable HTML element using vanilla JavaScript.
read more »Rich text editor with math equation dialog using Google Closure Library.
read more »Get DOM element position (including scroll position) using JavaScript.
read more »JavaScript Back to Top Link
read more »Detect arrow keystrokes in JavaScript.
read more »Event target element in JavaScript event handling.
read more »Load JavaScript or CSS on demand.
read more »Given a set of strings (words), and an user input string, output a set of strings with prefix the same as the user input string
read more »Simple usage example of Google App Engine Python Datastore.
read more »Put your menu bar on top of the website, no matter how users scroll.
read more »Let website users upload multiple files to Google App Engine (Python) servers.
read more »Python XML/HTML manipulation primer of xml.dom.minidom
read more »%2c%e3%80%90%e5%bd%a2%e3%80%91%e6%97%a0%e7%a2%8d%e7%9a%84%e3%80%82 <=> ,【形】无碍的。
read more »Evaluate Multivariate Normal Distribution with NumPy in Python.
read more »Upload a file to the server in your Android app.
read more »Python XML/HTML manipulation primer of xml.dom.minidom
read more »Python XML/HTML manipulation primer of xml.dom.minidom
read more »Python XML/HTML manipulation primer of xml.dom.minidom
read more »Python XML/HTML manipulation primer of xml.dom.minidom
read more »Python XML/HTML manipulation primer of xml.dom.minidom
read more »Python XML/HTML manipulation primer of xml.dom.minidom
read more »Type the math symbol "argmin" and "argmax" in LaTeX
read more »Type romanized Pāli on your Ubuntu Linux.
read more »Show source code on your website
read more »Show math symbols on the blog or website.
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