[Golang] Get Photos and Videos in Instagram Post
Interesting small program to get URL of all photos and videos in Instagram post.
In this program only Go standard library is used, no third-party packages.
To access the Instagram API via local Go program, you need to login Instagram and get the following information from your browser:
- ds_user_id
- sessionid
- csrftoken

Please see this SO answer to get above values on Chrome browser.
Given the URL of the post as follows:
The code of the post is BfJzG64BZVY. We will use the code as one of the arguments in our func call.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | package igmedia import ( "os" "testing" ) func ExampleGetPostInfo(t *testing.T) { em, err := GetPostInfo(os.Getenv("IG_TEST_CODE"), os.Getenv("IG_DS_USER_ID"), os.Getenv("IG_SESSIONID"), os.Getenv("IG_CSRFTOKEN")) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } em.printEdgeMediaInfo() } |
The full code is also available on my GitHub repo [1].
Tested on: Ubuntu Linux 17.10, Go 1.9.4.
[1] | GitHub - siongui/goigmedia: Get links of Instagram user media (photos and videos) in Go. |