[Pelican] Remove Prefix in PATH_METADATA Using Named Regex Group
Remove prefix of Pelican PATH_METADATA using Python named regular expression group.
read more »Remove prefix of Pelican PATH_METADATA using Python named regular expression group.
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read more »This Chrome extension helps you download Instagram profile picture in full size.
read more »Given the url of Instagram profile picture, return the url of profile picture in full size.
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read more »A Chrome extension to help you show Instagram id on the user page.
read more »A Chrome extension to help you try to get Facebook user id by URL change and print the id next to name if found.
read more »A Chrome extension to help you try to get Facebook user id by URL change.
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read more »Calculate the length of string (UTF-8) in Go. Iterate over the UTF-8 string by for or range keyword.
read more »Convert specific texts to clickable links (<a> tag) in HTML document via Go/GopherJS.
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read more »Go solution to largest product in a series - Problem 8 - Project Euler.
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read more »My answer to How can I get Chinese first letter(Pinyin) by using Go language? - Stack Overflow
read more »Build Chrome Extension with Go, compiled to JavaScript via GopherJS. This post show you how to build Chrome extension that convert the web page of Simplified Chinese website to Traditional Chinese.
read more »My implementation of atoi function, which converts a string representing decimal number to its corresponding int type, in Go programmming language.
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read more »Given a text and a wildcard pattern, implement wildcard pattern matching algorithm that finds if wildcard pattern is matched with text in Go programming language.
read more »Go implementation of BK-tree data structure used for approximate string matching in a dictionary. The distance metric here is Levenshtein distance, the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one string into the other.
read more »Go implementation of Wagner-Fischer algorithm that computes the edit distance between two strings of characters. The edit distance here is Levenshtein distance, the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one string into the other.
read more »Recursive implementation of Levenshtein distance algorithm in Go programming language. Levenshtein distance (LD) is a measure of the similarity between two strings, the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one string into the other.
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read more »Go front-end programming - online service for conversion of Traditional and Simplified Chinese via GopherJS/godom/gojianfan.
read more »gojianfan - converter for Traditional and Simplified Chinese in Go programming language.
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read more »Get string from io.Writer (io writer) in Go programming language.
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read more »Append text line or string to the end of file via Go programming language.
read more »Generate a random string from [a-z0-9] in Dart.
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read more »Replace specific pattern of strings in HTML files under directory via sed.
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read more »Replace specific pattern of strings in HTML files under directory via sed.
read more »Get prefix or suffix of a string in Makefile.
read more »Remove prefix or suffix from string via Go programming language.
read more »Given an installed package name on Ubuntu Linux, find its version in Makefile.
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read more »Get UTF-8 string width (width of English letter is 1, width of CJK character is 2) in Go programming language.
read more »Convert file encoding from Big5 to UTF-8 via Go programming language.
read more »Insert a line after first pattern match via sed stream editor.
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read more »Find Pāli word in Velthuis scheme via Go programming language.
read more »Append text at the beginning of each line via sed stream editor.
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read more »Minify HTML via Go programming language.
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read more »Automatically convert Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) PO file to Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) by OpenCC and Go programming language.
read more »Extract URL from reStructuredText link and insert the URL in the file as metadata via Python.
read more »Conversion Button of Traditional/Simplified Chinese on Website via JavaScript.
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read more »Go regexp example of named group matches - extract metadata from file path.
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read more »Parse Accept-Language in HTTP Request Header in JavaScript Programming Language.
read more »Automatically convert Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) PO file to Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) by OpenCC and Python programming language.
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read more »Conversion of Traditional and Simplified Chinese by OpenCC and Go programming language.
read more »Write a bash script to use wget to fetch webpages.
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read more »Generate a random string from [a-z0-9] in Golang.
read more »Parse Accept-Language in HTTP Request Header in Go Programming Language.
read more »List all files in a directory recursively (i.e., including subdirectories of the directory), and use sed to rename the files.
read more »Remove trailing newline (carriage return) of a string in C programming language.
read more »Parse Accept-Language in HTTP Request Header in Python.
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read more »JavaScript library New Tong Wen Tang for conversion of Traditional and Simplified Chinese.
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read more »%2c%e3%80%90%e5%bd%a2%e3%80%91%e6%97%a0%e7%a2%8d%e7%9a%84%e3%80%82 <=> ,【形】无碍的。
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