

* * *
VI. Pali formulae: Forfeiture 六、巴利公式:捨棄
As noted in the conclusion to the chapter on nissaggiya pācittiya rules, articles received in defiance of NP 18, 19, & 22 must be forfeited to a Community. The words of forfeiture in these cases are: 正如《尼薩耆波逸提》(《捨墮》)戒條該章的結論中所指出的,違反《捨墮》一八一九二二的物品必須被捨出給僧團。在這些情況下,捨出的言語是:
NP 18 《捨墮》一八
For receiving gold and silver (money): 接受金銀(金錢):
Ahaṁ bhante rūpiyaṁ paṭiggahesiṁ. Idaṁ me nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ saṅghassa nissajjāmi.  
This means, “Venerable sirs, I have received money. This of mine is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to the Community.” 這意思是:「尊者們,我已經接受金錢。我的這個將被捨出。我把它捨給僧團。」
NP 19 《捨墮》一九
For engaging in monetary exchange: 對於從事金錢兌換:
Ahaṁ bhante nānappakārakaṁ rūpiya-saṁvohāraṁ samāpajjiṁ. Idaṁ me nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ saṅghassa nissajjāmi.  
This means, “Venerable sirs, I have engaged in various types of monetary exchange. This of mine is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to the Community.” 這意思是:「尊者們,我從事過各種金錢兌換。我的這個將被捨出。我把它捨給僧團。」
NP 22 《捨墮》二二
For asking for a new bowl when one’s original bowl is still usable: 當原來的缽仍然可用時要求新缽:
Ayaṁ me bhante patto ūna-pañca-bandhanena pattena cetāpito nissaggiyo. Imāhaṁ saṅghassa nissajjāmi.  
This means, “This bowl of mine, venerable sirs, asked for when the (previous) bowl had less than five mends, is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to the Community.” 這意思是:「尊者們,我的這缽,當(前一個)缽補綴不足五次時被要求得到,將被捨出。我把它捨給僧團。」
In each case, after the item has been forfeited, the offender must confess his offense, with an experienced and competent bhikkhu to acknowledge his confession, using the following formula: 在每種情況下,物品被捨出後,犯戒者必須承認自己的罪行,並由經驗豐富且有能力的比丘接受他的懺罪,使用以下公式:
Confessant(懺罪者): Ahaṁ bhante nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ āpattiṁ āpanno. Taṁ paṭidesemi.
Recipient(接受者): Passasi āvuso?
C(懺): Āma bhante, passāmi.
R(受): Āyatiṁ āvuso saṁvareyyāsi.
C(懺): Sādhu suṭṭhu bhante saṁvarissāmi. (Three times.)
An alternative version of the last exchange, found in MN 104, is: 《中部》104 經中發現的最後一次交換的替代版本是:
R(受): Āyatiṁ saṁvaraṁ āpajjeyyāsi.
C(懺): Saṁvaraṁ āpajjissāmi.
This is the formula to use when the bhikkhu making the confession is junior to the bhikkhu acknowledging it. For translations and instructions on how to change the formula to use when the bhikkhu making the confession is senior to the bhikkhu acknowledging it, see Appendix VII. 當作懺悔的比丘比接受懺悔的比丘地位戒臘低時,可以使用這個公式。當作懺悔的比丘比接受懺悔的比丘戒臘高時,如何改變所使用的公式的翻譯和說明,請參閱附錄七
If, after money has been forfeited under NP 18 or 19 and the offense has been confessed, the Community needs to authorize a money-disposer, they must first choose a member of the group who is free of the four kinds of bias—based on desire, based on aversion, based on delusion, based on fear—and who knows what counts as disposed and not disposed. Then they must ask him to perform this duty. When he has agreed, one of the bhikkhus recites the transaction statement, as follows: 如果在根據《捨墮》一八一九金錢被捨出並且罪行被懺悔後,僧團需要授權金錢處置者,他們必須先選擇一個不存在四種偏見的團體成員——基於貪欲,基於瞋恨,基於愚癡,基於恐懼——知道什麼算是被處置了,什麼不算被處置之人。然後他們就必須要求他履行這個職責。當他同意後,其中一位比丘背誦羯磨文如下:
Suṇātu me bhante saṅgho. Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho Itthannāmaṁ bhikkhuṁ rūpiya-chaḍḍakaṁ sammanneyya. Esā ñatti.
Suṇātu me bhante saṅgho. Saṅgho Itthannāmaṁ bhikkhuṁ rūpiya-chaḍḍakaṁ sammannati. Yass’āyasmato khamati, Itthannāmassa bhikkhuno rūpiya-chaḍḍakassa sammati, so tuṇhassa. Yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Sammato saṅghena Itthannāmo bhikkhu rūpiya-chaḍḍako. Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī. Evam-etaṁ dhārayāmi.
This means, Venerable sirs, may the Community listen to me. If the Community is ready, it should authorize Bhikkhu (name) as the money-disposer. This is the motion. 這意思是,尊者們,願僧團傾聽我。如果僧團準備好了,它應該授權比丘(名字)作為金錢處置者。此為動議。
Venerable sirs, may the Community listen to me. The Community authorizes Bhikkhu (name) as the money-disposer. He to whom the authorization of Bhikkhu (name) as the money-disposer is agreeable should remain silent. He to whom it is not agreeable should speak. 尊者們,願僧團傾聽我。僧團授權比丘(名字)為金錢處置人。凡同意比丘(名字)授權為金錢處置者的人應保持沉默。不同意的人應該說話。
Bhikkhu (name) has been authorized by the Community as the money-disposer. This is agreeable to the Community, therefore it is silent. Thus do I hold it. 比丘(姓名)已被僧團授權為金錢處置者。這是僧團所同意的,因此它保持沉默。此事我如是持。
If the bhikkhu being authorized is senior to the bhikkhu reciting the authorization, Itthannāmo bhikkhu should be replaced as follows (supposing that his name is Dhammadharo): 如果被授權的比丘比背誦授權的比丘戒臘高,則應如下取代 Itthannāmo bhikkhu(假設他的名字是 Dhammadharo):
Itthannāmo bhikkhu → āyasmā Dhammadharo
Itthannāmaṁ bhikkhuṁ → āyasmantaṁ Dhammadharaṁ
Itthannāmassa bhikkhuno → āyasmato Dhammadharassa
For the patterns to use when the bhikkhu’s name has a different stem-form (-i, -u, etc.), see the introduction to Appendix II in BMC2. 當比丘的名字有不同的詞幹形式(-i、-u等)時所使用的模式,請參閱《佛教修道準則 第二冊》附錄二的介紹。
To authorize a bowl-exchanger under NP 22, the same procedure is followed, except that—in addition to being free from the four forms of bias—the bhikkhu to be chosen must know what is (properly) exchanged and what is not. The same form for the transaction statement is used, replacing rūpiya-chaḍḍakaṁ/ rūpiya-chaḍḍakassa/ rūpiya-chaḍḍako with patta-gāhāpakaṁ/ patta-gāhāpakassa/ patta-gāhāpako. 要根據《捨墮》二二授權一名缽交換者,遵循相同的程序,除了——除了不受四種形式的偏見之外——被選擇的比丘必須知道什麼是(適當地)交換,什麼不是。羯磨文使用相同的形式,將 rūpiya-chaḍḍakaṁ/ rūpiya-chaḍḍakassa/ rūpiya-chaḍḍako 替換為 patta-gāhāpakaṁ/ patta-gāhāpakassa/ patta-gāhāpako
Articles used or received in violation of the remaining NP rules may be forfeited to the Community, to a group, or to an individual. Here, only the formulae for forfeiting to an individual will be given. Formulae for rules rarely broken—e.g., involving bhikkhunīs or felt rugs—are not listed. 違反其餘《捨墮》戒條而使用或接收的物品可以被捨出給僧團、團體或個人。這裡,僅給出捨出給個人的公式。很少被違犯的戒條的公式——例如涉及比丘尼或毛氈地毯——則不列出。
NP 1 《捨墮》一
For an extra robe (or robe-cloth) kept beyond ten days: 對於保存超過十天的額外袈裟(或袈裟布料):
Idaṁ me bhante cīvaraṁ dasāhātikkantaṁ nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi.  
This means, “This robe (robe-cloth) of mine, venerable sir, kept beyond ten days, is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” If the speaker is senior to the listener, change bhante to āvuso. If many pieces of cloth are to be forfeited at once, the forms should be changed to plural: 意思是:「尊者,我此袈裟(袈裟布料),保存超過十天,應予捨出。我把它捨給你。」如果說者的戒臘比聽者高,將 bhante 改為 āvuso 。如果要同時捨出多塊布,則應將形式改為複數:
Imāni me bhante cīvarāni dasāhātikkantāni nissaggiyāni. Imānāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi.  
For robes beyond the reach of the hand, change idaṁ to etaṁ; imāhaṁ to etāhaṁ; imāni to etāni; and imānāhaṁ to etānāhaṁ. For example, for one robe, one would say: 伸手可及之處之外的袈裟,將 idaṁ 改為 etaṁimāhaṁ 改為 etāhaṁimāni 改為 etāni ;以及 imānāhaṁ to etānāhaṁ 。例如,對於一件袈裟,可以說:
Etaṁ me bhante cīvaraṁ dasāhātikkantaṁ nissaggiyaṁ. Etāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi.  
For more than one robe beyond the reach of the hand, one would say: 對於不只一件伸手可及之處之外的袈裟,可以說:
Etāni me bhante cīvarāni dasāhātikkantāni nissaggiyāni. Etānāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi.  
Once the offense has been confessed, the robe (robe-cloth) is to be returned to the original owner, using this formula: 一旦懺罪完成,袈裟(袈裟布料)將歸還給原來的擁有者,使用以下公式:
Imaṁ cīvaraṁ āyasmato dammi,  
which means, “I give this robe (robe-cloth) to you.” 意思是:「我把這件袈裟(袈裟布料)給你。」
For more than one piece: 對於超過一件:
Imāni cīvarāni āyasmato dammi.  
Changes in the formula for robe-cloth beyond the reach of the hand may be inferred from the preceding example. These two formulae for returning robe-cloth are used in every case involving robes or robe-cloth and will not be repeated below. 從前面的例子可以推論出伸手可及之處之外的袈裟布料的公式的變化。這兩個返還袈裟的公式適用於所有涉及袈裟或袈裟布料的情況,以下不再贅述。
NP 2 《捨墮》二
For a robe from which one dwelled apart a night or more: 對於一件分開過夜一晚或更長時間的袈裟:
Idaṁ me bhante cīvaraṁ ratti-vippavutthaṁ aññatra bhikkhu-sammatiyā nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi,  
which means, “This robe of mine, venerable sir, from which I dwelled apart for a night without authorization of the bhikkhus, is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” Change cīvaraṁ to dvi-cīvaraṁ for two robes, and to ti-cīvaraṁ for three. Other changes, as necessary, may be inferred from the formulae for NP 1, above. The formulae for returning the robe(s) are also given there. 意思是:「尊者,未經比丘許可,我分開過夜的這件袈裟,將被捨出。我把它捨給你。」兩件袈裟將 cīvaraṁ 改為 dvi-cīvaraṁ ,三件袈裟則改為 ti-cīvaraṁ 。如有必要,其他變化可以從上面的《捨墮》一的公式中推斷出來。那裡也給出了歸還袈裟的公式。
NP 3 《捨墮》三
For out-of-season robe-cloth kept more than a month: 對於保存超過一個月的不合時令的袈裟布:
Idaṁ me bhante akāla-cīvaraṁ māsātikkantaṁ nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi,  
which means, “This out-of-season robe-cloth of mine, venerable sir, kept beyond a month, is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” For more than one piece of cloth: 意思是:「尊者,我這件不合時令的袈裟布,存放超過一個月的,將被捨出。我把它捨給你。」對於超過一塊布:
Imāni me bhante akāla-cīvarāni māsātikkantāni nissaggiyāni. Imānāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi.  
Other changes, as necessary, may be inferred from the formulae for NP 1. 如有必要,其他變化可以從《捨墮》一的公式中推斷出來。
NP 6 《捨墮》六
For a robe (robe-cloth) requested from an unrelated householder: 對於從非親戚的居士要求的袈裟(袈裟布料):
Idaṁ me bhante cīvaraṁ aññātakaṁ gahapatikaṁ aññatra samayā viññāpitaṁ nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi,  
which means, “This robe (robe-cloth) of mine, venerable sir, requested from an unrelated householder at other than the proper occasion, is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” 意思是:「尊者,我的這件袈裟(袈裟布料),在非適合情況向非親戚的居士要求,應被捨出。我把它捨給你。」
For more than one robe: 對於超過一件袈裟:
Imāni me bhante cīvarāni aññātakaṁ gahapatikaṁ aññatra samayā viññāpitāni nissaggiyāni. Imānāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi.  
NP 7 《捨墮》七
For a robe (robe-cloth) requested from an unrelated householder during an allowable occasion, but beyond the allowable limit: 對於非親戚的居士在允許的情況下要求但超出允許限制的袈裟(袈裟布料):
Idaṁ me bhante cīvaraṁ aññātakaṁ gahapatikaṁ tad’uttariṁ viññāpitaṁ nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi,  
which means, “This robe (robe-cloth) of mine, venerable sir, requested beyond that (allowable) from an unrelated householder, is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” 意思是:「尊者,我的這件袈裟(袈裟布料),向非親戚的居士索要超出(允許的限制),應被捨出。我把它捨給你。」
For more than one robe: 對於超過一件袈裟:
Imāni me bhante cīvarāni aññātakaṁ gahapatikaṁ tad’uttariṁ viññāpitāni nissaggiyāni. Imānāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi.  
NP 8 《捨墮》八
For cloth received after making a stipulation to an unrelated householder: 對於向非親戚居士作出指示後收到的布料:
Idaṁ me bhante cīvaraṁ pubbe appavārito aññātakaṁ gahapatikaṁ upasaṅkamitvā cīvare vikappaṁ āpannaṁ nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi,  
which means, “This cloth, venerable sir—mine after, without having been invited beforehand, I approached an unrelated householder and made stipulations about cloth—is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” 意思是:「尊者,我的這塊布,在沒有事先邀請的情況下,我接洽了一個非親戚的居士,並就布料做了指示——應該被捨出。我把它捨給你。」
NP 9 《捨墮》九
For cloth received after making stipulations to two or more unrelated householders, use the same formula as for the preceding rule, changing aññātakaṁ gahapatikaṁ to aññātake gahapatike. 對於向兩個或兩個以上非親戚的居士做出指示後收到的布料,使用與前一戒條相同的公式,將 aññātakaṁ gahapatikaṁ 更改為 aññātake gahapatike
NP 10 《捨墮》十
For a robe (robe-cloth) received after reminding one’s steward too many times: 對於太多次提醒淨人後收到的袈裟(袈裟布料):
Idaṁ me bhante cīvaraṁ atireka-tikkhattuṁ codanāya atireka-chakkhattuṁ ṭhānena abhinipphāditaṁ nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi,  
which means, “This robe (robe-cloth) of mine, venerable sir, produced after more than three reminders, after more than six standings, is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” 意思是:「尊者,我的此袈裟(袈裟布料),經過三次以上的提醒,經過六次以上的站立後獲得,應被捨出。我把它捨給你。」
NP 18 & 19 《捨墮》一八一九
The formulae for these rules are given at the beginning of this appendix. 這些戒條的公式在本附錄的開頭已經給出。
NP 20 《捨墮》二十
For an article received in trade: 對於在交易中收到的物品:
Ahaṁ bhante nānappakārakaṁ kaya-vikkayaṁ samāpajjiṁ. Idaṁ me nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi,  
which means, “Venerable sir, I have engaged in various types of trade. This of mine is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” 意思是:「尊者,我從事過各種類型的交易。我的這個將被捨出。我把它捨給你。」
To return the article: 歸還物品:
Imaṁ āyasmato dammi,  
which means, “I give this to you.” 意思是「我把這個給你」。
NP 21 《捨墮》二一
For an extra bowl kept beyond ten days: 對於保存超過十天的額外的缽:
Ayaṁ me bhante patto dasāhātikkanto nissaggiyo. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi,  
which means, “This bowl of mine, venerable sir, kept beyond ten days, is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” 意思是:「尊者,我的這缽,保存超過十天,將被捨出。我把它捨給你。」
To return the bowl: 歸還缽:
Imaṁ pattaṁ āyasmato dammi.  
NP 22 《捨墮》二二
The formula for this rule is given at the beginning of this appendix. 本戒條的公式在本附錄的開頭已經給出。
NP 23 《捨墮》二三
For any of the five tonics kept beyond seven days: 對於任何五種補品,保存超過七日:
Idaṁ me bhante bhesajjaṁ sattāhātikkantaṁ nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi,  
which means, “This medicine of mine, venerable sir, kept beyond seven days, is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” 意思是:「尊者,我的此藥,保存超過七日,將被捨出。我把它捨給你。」
To return the medicine: 歸還該藥:
Imaṁ bhesajjaṁ āyasmato dammi.  
NP 25 《捨墮》二五
For a robe (robe-cloth) snatched back in anger: 對於憤怒地奪回的袈裟(袈裟布料):
Idaṁ me bhante cīvaraṁ bhikkhussa sāmaṁ datvā acchinnaṁ nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi,  
which means, “This robe (robe-cloth) of mine, venerable sir, snatched back after I myself gave it to a bhikkhu, is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” 意思是:「尊者,我的這件袈裟(袈裟布料),在我親自給予比丘後被奪回,應被捨出。我把它捨給你。」
NP 28 《捨墮》二八
For a robe (robe-cloth) offered in urgency kept beyond the robe season: 對於緊急供養的袈裟(袈裟布料),保存超過袈裟季節:
Idaṁ me bhante acceka-cīvaraṁ cīvara-kāla-samayaṁ atikkāmitaṁ nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi,  
which means, “This robe-cloth-offered-in-urgency of mine, venerable sir, kept beyond the robe season, is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” 意思是:「尊者,我的這件緊急供養的袈裟,保存超過袈裟季節,將被捨出。我把它捨給你。」
NP 29 《捨墮》二九
For a robe separated from one for more than six nights: 對於一件袈裟分離超過六夜:
Idaṁ me bhante cīvaraṁ atireka-chā-rattaṁ vippavutthaṁ aññatra bhikkhu-sammatiyā nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi,  
which means, “This robe of mine, venerable sir, separated (from me) for more than six nights without authorization of the bhikkhus, is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” Change cīvaraṁ to dvi-cīvaraṁ for two robes, and to ti-cīvaraṁ for three. 意思是:「尊者,未經比丘們許可,我的這件袈裟(與我)分離超過六夜,將被捨出。我把它捨給你。」兩件袈裟則將 cīvaraṁ 改為 dvi-cīvaraṁ,三件改為 ti-cīvaraṁ
NP 30 《捨墮》三十
For gains intended for the Community that one has diverted to oneself: 施向僧團的所得而挪為己用者:
Idaṁ me bhante jānaṁ saṅghikaṁ lābhaṁ pariṇataṁ attano pariṇāmitaṁ nissaggiyaṁ. Imāhaṁ āyasmato nissajjāmi,  
which means, “This of mine, venerable sir, which—knowing it was intended for the Community—I diverted for myself, is to be forfeited. I forfeit it to you.” 意思是,「尊者,我的這個——知道它是為僧團而施的——我挪為己用了,將被捨出。我把它捨給你。」
To return the article: 歸還該物品:
Imaṁ āyasmato dammi.  
VII. Pali formulae: Confession 七、巴利公式:懺悔罪過
