[Pelican] Remove Prefix in PATH_METADATA Using Named Regex Group
Remove prefix of Pelican PATH_METADATA using Python named regular expression group.
read more »Remove prefix of Pelican PATH_METADATA using Python named regular expression group.
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read more »Given user name, get Instagram user information, such as id, username, biography, etc., in Go.
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read more »A Chrome extension to help you show Instagram id on the user page.
read more »A Chrome extension to help you try to get Facebook user id by URL change and print the id next to name if found.
read more »A Chrome extension to help you try to get Facebook user id by URL change.
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read more »Check if a string exists in file via Go regexp package.
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read more »Replace specific pattern of strings in HTML files under directory via sed.
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read more »Replace footnote in reStructuredText format via regular expression in Vim editor.
read more »Insert a line after first pattern match via sed stream editor.
read more »Find Pāli word in Velthuis scheme via Go programming language.
read more »Append text at the beginning of each line via sed stream editor.
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read more »Minify HTML via Go programming language.
read more »Minify CSS via Go programming language.
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read more »Find redundant files saved by Chrome browser via Python.
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read more »Go regexp example of named group matches - extract metadata from file path.
read more »Python Regular Expression to convert footnotes in file to reStructuredText format.
read more »Convert PO files to JSON format via Go. The data of JSON format can be passed to front-end by web servers to translate a text string into the user's native language. You can use the JSON data to implement gettext function in browsers.
read more »Convert PO files to JSON format via Python. The data of JSON format can be passed to front-end by web servers to translate a text string into the user's native language. You can use the JSON data to implement gettext function in browsers.
read more »Use xgettext (one of GNU gettext utilities) to extract translatable strings from HTML templates of Go html/template.
read more »i18n (Internationalization) Go web applications by GNU gettext tools and html/template. Use PO and MO files generated by gettext in Golang web application to render HTML of specific languages by html/template.
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