Maintaining mindfulness during conversations is difficult ... - Dhamma by Ajahn Jayasāro

Maintaining mindfulness during conversations is difficult. They are unpredictable. Within a second a conversation can change in tone or content, and we can lose our way. It is easy to fall into old unskilful speech habits, especially when our emotions are provoked. In meditation, we can re-establish our attention on our object as soon as we realize that we have wandered. But in conversation, at least one other person is involved, and getting back on the right track is not up to us alone. Even with those we love, conversations can be a minefield.

An unwavering commitment to the truth as we know it is an essential element of right speech. Our fundamental object of mindfulness must be the intention to refrain from all falsehood, not only outright lying but also exaggeration and distortion of the truth. There are many other things to bear in mind during a conversation. They include body language, maintaining an even and natural breath, an appropriate tone of voice, a genuine and respectful interest in the other person's views and feelings. But it is the intention to refrain from all falsehood that constitutes the bedrock of skilful speech.

Maintaining mindfulness during conversations is difficult
