[Golang] Quadratic primes - Problem 27 - Project Euler

Problem: [1]

Euler discovered the remarkable quadratic formula:

$n^2 + n + 41$

It turns out that the formula will produce 40 primes for the consecutive integer values $0 \le n \le 39$. However, when $n = 40, 40^2 + 40 + 41 = 40(40 + 1) + 41$ is divisible by 41, and certainly when $n = 41, 41^2 + 41 + 41$ is clearly divisible by 41.

The incredible formula $n^2 - 79n + 1601$ was discovered, which produces 80 primes for the consecutive values $0 \le n \le 79$. The product of the coefficients, −79 and 1601, is −126479.

Considering quadratics of the form:

$n^2 + an + b$, where $|a| < 1000$ and $|b| \le 1000$

where $|n|$ is the modulus/absolute value of $n$
e.g. $|11| = 11$ and $|-4| = 4$

Find the product of the coefficients, $a$ and $b$, for the quadratic expression that produces the maximum number of primes for consecutive values of $n$, starting with $n = 0$.


(a,b,n) = (-61,971,71)

Run Code on Go Playground

package main

import (

func IsPrime(n int) bool {
      if n < 2 {
              return false

      for i := 2; i*i <= n; i++ {
              if n%i == 0 {
                      return false
      return true

func FindConsecutiveN(a, b int) int {
      isPrime := true
      n := 0
      for isPrime {
              result := n*n + a*n + b
              isPrime = IsPrime(result)
              if isPrime {
              } else {
                      return n
      return -1

func main() {
      maxN := 0
      maxA := -11111
      maxB := -11111
      for a := -999; a < 1000; a++ {
              for b := -1000; b < 1001; b++ {
                      n := FindConsecutiveN(a, b)
                      if n == -1 {
                              panic("n cannot be -1")
                      if n > maxN {
                              maxN = n
                              maxA = a
                              maxB = b
                              fmt.Println("current max (a,b,n)", a, b, n)
      fmt.Println("max (a,b,n)", maxA, maxB, maxN)

Output from Go Playground:

current max (a,b,n) -999 2 1
current max (a,b,n) -996 997 2
current max (a,b,n) -499 997 3
current max (a,b,n) -325 977 4
current max (a,b,n) -245 977 5
current max (a,b,n) -197 983 6
current max (a,b,n) -163 983 7
current max (a,b,n) -131 941 8
current max (a,b,n) -121 947 9
current max (a,b,n) -105 967 11
current max (a,b,n) -61 971 71
max (a,b,n) -61 971 71

Tested on:


[1]Quadratic primes - Problem 27 - Project Euler