[Golang] Distinct powers - Problem 29 - Project Euler
Go solution to Distinct powers - Problem 29 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Distinct powers - Problem 29 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Number spiral diagonals - Problem 28 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Names scores - Problem 22 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Counting Sundays - Problem 19 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Pandigital products - Problem 32 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Coin sums - Problem 31 - Project Euler.
read more »Naive method for primality test in Go: Given a natural number n, if n is divisible by any number from 2 to square root of n, then n is composite. Otherwise n is prime.
read more »Calculate politeness of a number online, i.e., the number of ways it can be expressed as the sum of consecutive integers.
read more »Calculate politeness of a number in Go, i.e., the number of ways it can be expressed as the sum of consecutive integers
read more »Online tool for prime factorization and calculating sum of proper divisors. The algorithm is implemented in JavaScript and UI in Vue.js.
read more »Go solution to Digit fifth powers - Problem 30 - Project Euler.
read more »Online tool that helps you do prime factorization. The algorithm is implemented in JavaScript and UI in Vue.js.
read more »Sieve of Eratosthenes is a simple and ancient method to find prime numbers up to a given limit. Given a limit, this online demo returns all prime number below the limit.
read more »Online demo of sieve of eratosthenes via Go/GopherJS/gopherjs-vue.
read more »Euler's Totient Function φ(n) counts the positive integers that are relatively prime to n. This online demo use naive method to calculate φ(n) and positive integers coprime to n.
read more »Goldbach's conjecture - Every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two primes. Given a positive even integer, this online demo returns the two primes.
read more »JavaScript implementation of Sieve of Eratosthenes.
read more »Go solution to Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Quadratic primes - Problem 27 - Project Euler.
read more »Check if a large number is divisible by 3 or not in Go. This exercise is good example for type casting between int and string in Go.
read more »2n + 1 = p + 2q always has a solution in primes p and q (not necessarily distinct) for n > 2. This online demo finds p and q for given odd number greater than 5. The demo is written in Go and compiled to JavaScript using GopherJS.
read more »2n + 1 = p + 2q always has a solution in primes p and q (not necessarily distinct) for n > 2. This online demo finds p and q for given odd number greater than 5.
read more »2n + 1 = p + 2q always has a solution in primes p and q (not necessarily distinct) for n > 2. Write a Go program to find p and q for given odd number greater than 5.
read more »Test if a number (at least 2-digit) is Lychrel number or not under limited iterations in Go.
read more »Go solution to Non-abundant sums - Problem 23 - Project Euler.
read more »Hard to believe that I don't remember seeing Descartes' rules of signs before -- you'd think this is impossible given the time I spent on ...
read more »Go solution to Number letter counts - Problem 17 - Project Euler.
read more »Spell numbers from 1 to 1000 in English via Go programming language.
read more »This is the last of a small series of similar and basic results in convex geometry.
read more »Go solution to 1000-digit Fibonacci number - Problem 25 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Factorial digit sum - Problem 20 - Project Euler.
read more »Multiplication of big natural numbers in Go. This is for very large positive integers which overflows the built-in numerical type in Go.
read more »Go solution to Power digit sum - Problem 16 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Lattice paths - Problem 15 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Large sum - Problem 13 - Project Euler.
read more »Addition of big natural numbers in Go. This is for very large positive integers which overflows the built-in numerical type in Go.
read more »Previous I used Caratheodory's theorem to prove Radon's theorem, now I'm going to prove the former.
read more »Go solution to Largest product in a grid - Problem 11 - Project Euler.
read more »I came across Radon's theorem the other day, and found this proof. It must have been discovered before.
read more »Go solution to Even Fibonacci numbers - Problem 2 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to Multiples of 3 and 5 - Problem 1 - Project Euler.
read more »This is not hard but still interesting. A spread of an array of numbers is the difference between its maximum and minimum. Given an array...
read more »I heard this is classic, but turns out not too hard.
read more »This is also an interesting result, although it's quite simple.
read more »For (iin{1,2,3}), there are (2n+i) integers consisting of (n+i) unique ones.
read more »A simple yet surprisingly interesting result.
read more »There are 2n+1 coins each associated with a weight. When we remove any coin, we can split the rest into two piles each with n coins...
read more »Given a sequence of (n) integers (a_1,ldots,a_n), we map it to ...
read more »On the 2D plane there are (n) blue and (n) red points, no three of them are co-linear. Then we can always pair a blue point with a red ...
read more »Given a natural number (integer), calculate the number of divisors of it in Go programming language.
read more »Go solution to highly divisible triangular number - Problem 12 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to largest product in a series - Problem 8 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to sum square difference - Problem 6 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to longest Collatz sequence - Problem 14 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to summation of primes - Problem 10 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to 10001st prime - Problem 7 - Project Euler.
read more »Goldbach's conjecture - Every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two primes. Given a positive even integer, write a Go program to find the two primes.
read more »Euler's totient function implementation in Go programming language.
read more »Find least common multiple (LCM) by greatest common divisor (GCD) via Go programming language.
read more »Go solution to smallest multiple - Problem 9 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to special Pythagorean triplet - Problem 9 - Project Euler.
read more »Go solution to amicable numbers - Problem 21 - Project Euler.
read more »It is said to be well-known, but perhaps I've never seen it before:
read more »Let (A(n)) denote the number of sequences (a_1ge a_2gecdots{}ge a_k) of positive integers for which (a_1+cdots+a_k = n) and each ...
read more »We call a (5)-tuple of integers arrangeable if its elements can be labeled (a, b, c, d, e) in some order so that (a-b+c-d+e=29). Deter...
read more »Integer exponentiation in Go programming language.
read more »Calculate the sum of all proper divisors (factors) of an integer number in Go programming language.
read more »Go solution to largest prime factor of 600851475143 - Problem 3 - Project Euler.
read more »Compute the greatest common divisor (GCD) via Euclidean algorithm in Go programming language.
read more »Prime Factorization - Find all prime factors of a given integer number in Go programming language.
read more »I found a different solution to the second part of this problem. We define a chessboard polygon to be a polygon whose edges are situate...
read more »Go solution to largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers. - Problem 4 - Project Euler.
read more »Let (m_1, m_2, ldots, m_n) be a collection of (n) positive integers, not necessarily distinct. For any sequence of integers (A = (a_1...
read more »The problem is rephrased. Q: A diamond of size n consists of 2n rows of nodes with lengths from top to bottom being 1, 3, 5, ..., 2n-1...
read more »Let (P_1, P_2, dots, P_{2n}) be (2n) distinct points on the unit circle (x^2+y^2=1), other than ((1,0)). Each point is colored eit...
read more »Go implementation of primality test - optimized school method.
read more »Go implementation of Sieve of Eratosthenes.
read more »In a mathematical competition some competitors are friends. Friendship is always mutual. Call a group of competitors a clique if each two of...
read more »There are n>=2 line segments in the plane such that every two segments cross and no three segments meet at a point. Geoff has to choose an ...
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