[Golang] Large Positive Integer Addition
Problem: [1]
This comes from problem 13 in Project Euler. There are two large numbers:
3710728753390210279879799822083759024651013574025046376937677490009712648124896970078050417018260538If you use strconv.Atoi to convert the string to int, you will get panic which reports overflow. So how do we add two large natural numbers in Go?
After some googling [2], I found the tutorial [3] which shows how to perform large integer addition. The following is Go implementation of the algorithm.
package main
import (
const MaxDigits = 100
const BASE = 10
func MakePositiveInt(s string) (n [MaxDigits]int) {
// make n zero
for i := 0; i < MaxDigits; i++ {
n[i] = 0
for index, digit := range s {
i := len(s) - index - 1
switch digit {
case '0':
n[i] = 0
case '1':
n[i] = 1
case '2':
n[i] = 2
case '3':
n[i] = 3
case '4':
n[i] = 4
case '5':
n[i] = 5
case '6':
n[i] = 6
case '7':
n[i] = 7
case '8':
n[i] = 8
case '9':
n[i] = 9
panic("invalid digit in number string")
func AddPositiveInt(a, b [MaxDigits]int) (c [MaxDigits]int) {
var carry, sum = 0, 0
// make c zero
for i := 0; i < MaxDigits; i++ {
c[i] = 0
for i := 0; i < MaxDigits; i++ {
sum = a[i] + b[i] + carry
if sum >= BASE {
carry = 1
sum -= BASE
} else {
carry = 0
c[i] = sum
if carry != 0 {
panic("overflow in addition")
func PositiveIntToString(a [MaxDigits]int) (result string) {
isLeadingZero := true
for i := MaxDigits - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if isLeadingZero && a[i] == 0 {
} else {
isLeadingZero = false
switch a[i] {
case 0:
result += "0"
case 1:
result += "1"
case 2:
result += "2"
case 3:
result += "3"
case 4:
result += "4"
case 5:
result += "5"
case 6:
result += "6"
case 7:
result += "7"
case 8:
result += "8"
case 9:
result += "9"
panic("invalid digit in int array")
func main() {
a := MakePositiveInt(`37107287533902102798797998220837590246510135740250`)
b := MakePositiveInt(`46376937677490009712648124896970078050417018260538`)
c := AddPositiveInt(a, b)
Tested on: Go Playground
[1] | Large sum - Problem 13 - Project Euler |
[2] |
[3] | Analysis of Algorithms: Lecture 20 |