adb push error: remote couldn't create file: Operation not permitted
adb push error caused by illegal character in file name on Android.
read more »adb push error caused by illegal character in file name on Android.
read more »Update modification time of photo/video according to EXIF data using command line.
read more »Find images with specific dimension using Linux command line.
read more »Copy files to Android smart phone without losing timestamps.
read more »Build an offline copy of a website made by Pelican static site generator.
read more »Use regular expresion groups to replace texts in Vim.
read more »Pass command-line arguments to make and then pass then arguments to Go program in Makefile.
read more »List .go source files excluding _test.go files via find and grep command in bash.
read more »List folder size in descending and ascending order via du and sort command in bash.
read more »Use ffmpeg to merge Instagram video and audio of live replay shared to stories.
read more »Check if Makefile runs on Travis CI or not.
read more »Example of Makefile rules for Go linters.
read more »Create gh-pages branch and publish your static website to GitHub Pages in Makefile.
read more »Replace specific pattern of strings in HTML files under directory via sed.
read more »Replace specific pattern of strings in HTML files under directory via sed.
read more »Get prefix or suffix of a string in Makefile.
read more »Concatenate and minify JavaScript files via Makefile, curl, and online Google Closure Compiler.
read more »Concatenate and minify JavaScript files via Bash script, curl, and online Google Closure Compiler.
read more »Publish your static website to GitHub project pages via ghp-import in Makefile.
read more »Given an installed package name on Ubuntu Linux, find its version in Makefile.
read more »Copy large number of files efficiently via Bash script on Linux.
read more »Find redundant files saved by Chrome browser via Bash script.
read more »Use find command to find all files with specific name and delete them in one line of command.
read more »Use find command to find all HTML files in a directory, but exclude the HTML files in some sub-directory.
read more »Run wkhtmltopdf on Travis CI, which convert HTML files with chinese characters to PDF.
read more »Convert HTML files in directory to PDF recursively via wkhtmltopdf and Bash script.
read more »Remove execute(x) permission of files in directory recursively via chmod command and Bash script.
read more »Example of copy local files to remote machine which allows only SSH key login via rsync command.
read more »Move large number of files via tar command under Bash. This is much quicker than mv command if there are a lot of small files.
read more »Convert the format (Big5 encoding to UTF-8, remove DOS newline in file, replace string big5 with UTF-8, and append UNIX newline to end of file) of HTML files in directory via Bash script.
read more »Convert the name of files in directory to lowercase via Bash script.
read more »Convert encoding of file from Big5 to UTF-8, remove DOS newline in file, replace string big5 with UTF-8, and append UNIX newline to end of file.
read more »Example for how to replace a string in a variable in Makefile.
read more »Make reStructuredText links of the same name anonymous via regular expression by sed stream editor.
read more »Replace footnote in reStructuredText format via regular expression by sed stream editor.
read more »Replace footnote in reStructuredText format via regular expression in Vim editor.
read more »Insert a line after first pattern match via sed stream editor.
read more »Convert all files in a directory recursively (i.e., including subdirectories of the directory) from Big5 encoding to UTF-8 via iconv command.
read more »Append text at the beginning of each line via sed stream editor.
read more »Convert Traditional Chinese PO file to Simplified Chinese via OpenCC and sed in Makefile.
read more »Concatenate and Minify CSS via sed and tr command in Makefile.
read more »Makefile - Create symbolic link if it does not exist. Otherwise do nothing.
read more »Write a bash script to convert wav to mp3 via ffmpeg on Ubuntu Linux 15.10.
read more »echo colorful output in Makefile.
read more »Makefile - Create a directory if it does not exist. Otherwise do nothing.
read more »Write a bash script to use wget to fetch webpages.
read more »List all files in a directory recursively (i.e., including subdirectories of the directory), and use sed to rename the files.
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