Endings have a powerful effect on the mind ... - Dhamma by Ajahn Jayasāro

Endings have a powerful effect on the mind. If a difficult conversation ends well, for example, we usually recall it as basically positive. If a friendly conversation ends badly, our abiding memory tends to be a negative one. For this reason we should be very mindful of the quality of the endings in our life. A good ending can salvage a difficult experience. A bad ending can spoil a good one.

At the end of the day, before going to sleep, pay homage to the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha. Calm your mind with meditation on the breath. Recall the things and people that you feel grateful for. Spread thoughts of loving kindness to all beings, and dedicate the fruits of your good actions to them. End this day well, and tomorrow will begin well.

Endings have a powerful effect on the mind

