We can always find a good excuse not to meditate ... - Dhamma by Ajahn Jayasāro

We can always find a good excuse not to meditate. It's too early or it's too late. We're too hungry or too full. We're too tired or too restless. We're too busy or we just want to relax.

But meditation does not have to yield a particular result to be worthwhile. Our practice becomes strong through steady, consistent effort, rather than through rare peak experiences. It is the sincerity, the trying, that is important. When the mind starts to produce its usual excuses, we can tell ourselves, ‘Yes, conditions are not ideal, but I will meditate, at least for a short time, anyway. I will make this effort as an offering to the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.’ And sometimes, having overcome the initial resistance, the mind becomes very bright and clear.

We can always find a good excuse not to meditate
