How to speak to a powerful person ... - Dhamma by Ajahn Jayasāro

How to speak to a powerful person

A king was determined to invade a neighbouring country, although his prime minister thought that the plan was unwise. Every morning the prime minister walked around the garden beneath the king's window with a catapult. Finally, the king became aware of his presence and asked him what he was doing. The prime minister said ‘Your Majesty, there is a cricket on a tree branch drinking the dew with great enjoyment. It does not see the praying mantis behind it ready to pounce. For its part, the praying mantis does not notice the sparrow ready to attack it. And the sparrow does not see the man with the catapult taking aim. Three beings so keen to obtain the object of their desire that they are heedless of their own safety.’ The king cancelled his plan of invasion.

How to speak to a powerful person
