Having decided on a path of practice after careful consideration ... - Dhamma by Ajahn Jayasāro

Having decided on a path of practice after careful consideration, give yourself to it for a pre-determined period of time. Only after that period has elapsed should you make any decision as whether or not to continue the practice

During this period do not fall into the trap of doubt. Three main kinds of doubt may appear to lest you

  1. Is the goal attainable?
  2. The goal is attainable, but is it worth the hardships needed to reach it?
  3. The goal is attainable, worth every hardship, but am I capable of reaching it?

Is it real? Is it worth it? Can I do it?

When things get tough, observe how the mind tends to fall into one of these ways of thinking. Don't repress doubt. Simply recognize doubt as doubt, a passing mental state, and let it go
