Continuity of effort is vitally important ... - Dhamma by Ajahn Jayasāro

Continuity of effort is vitally important. Meditators must try to establish a constant awareness whether walking, standing, sitting or lying down. When this awareness has been established no mental state can overpower the mind. Insight into impermanence and not-self arises naturally. It is as if we are in a room with only one chair. If we sit on the chair in the middle of the room we become immediately aware of anyone who comes in or out. Having no place to sit down our guests will not stay long. In the same way, when mindfulness sits on the chair in the middle of our mind, then any mental state that arises is known for what it is immediately. Having no opportunity to sit on the chair and take over the mind, no visiting mental state stays for long.

Continuity of effort is vitally important
