Change we cannot control is frightening ... - Dhamma by Ajahn Jayasāro

Change we cannot control is frightening. The usual reaction to it is to search for something that does not change. Dogmas recorded in holy books seem to provide that. In times of rapid and bewildering changes fundamentalist religion flourishes. Superstition and prejudice infect people like a virus. In Buddhism we look at the sense of insecurity without trying to suppress it with beliefs. When we investigate our life with a mind calmed by meditation we can see that there is no solid ‘me’ facing a threatening unstable world. Our body and mind is changing moment by moment due to causes and conditions, some of which we may influence, some we may not. The more we understand inner and outer change, the more our anxiety dissolves. We find our refuge not in beliefs, but in observation of the way things are

Change we cannot control is frightening
