The more you worry about things ... - Dhamma by Ajahn Jayasāro

The more you worry about things the more of a habit it becomes. Worry becomes an addiction. If you don't have something rational to worry about you find something irrational. Worrying about a form of suffering that may or may not occur in the future, you create suffering for yourself in the present. Worry doesn't affect your mental health alone. It depletes your immune system and makes you vulnerable to many kinds of physical illness.

So what can you do? The most important thing is to shift your attention from the subject of worry to the experience of worry itself. And what is the first thing to notice? It has a beginning and an end. It comes and goes. A very simple observation but a profound one. Worry is merely a visitor to our mind; it doesn't live there. When worry appears, don't welcome it and don't try to drive it away. Recognise ‘worry’ as ‘worry’, an unwelcome visitor. If you do this patiently, again and again, you will create a new healthy habit of mind. Worry will fade away.

The more you worry about things
