Virtual Keyboard via Go and Vue.js

Virtual kayboard/keypad via Go/GopherJS/gopherjs-vue (Go binding for Vue.js).


I will list the main logic here. The link of full source code is available on my GitHub repo.


<div id="container">
  <input type="text" v-model="paliWord"><br>
  <div class="keypad">
    <div><input @click="paliWord += letter" :value="letter" type="button" v-for="letter in row1letters"></div>
    <div><input @click="paliWord += letter" :value="letter" type="button" v-for="letter in row2letters"></div>
    <div><input @click="paliWord += letter" :value="letter" type="button" v-for="letter in row3letters"></div>
    <div><input @click="paliWord += letter" :value="letter" type="button" v-for="letter in row4letters"></div>


package main

import (

type Model struct {
      *js.Object           // this is needed for bidirectional data bindings
      PaliWord    string   `js:"paliWord"`
      Row1letters []string `js:"row1letters"`
      Row2letters []string `js:"row2letters"`
      Row3letters []string `js:"row3letters"`
      Row4letters []string `js:"row4letters"`

func main() {
      m := &Model{
              Object: js.Global.Get("Object").New(),
      // field assignment is required in this way to make data passing works
      m.PaliWord = ""
      m.Row1letters = []string{"q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p"}
      m.Row2letters = []string{"a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l"}
      m.Row3letters = []string{"z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m"}
      m.Row4letters = []string{"ā", "ḍ", "ī", "ḷ", "ṁ", "ṃ", "ñ", "ṇ", "ṭ", "ū", "ŋ", "ṅ"}

      // create the VueJS viewModel using a struct pointer
      vue.New("#container", m)

The JavaScript equivalent is available on my previous post [1].


[1][Vue.js] Virtual Keyboard