Embed Data in Front-end Go Code
Embed data/assets/resources/binary in Go code, and compiled by GopherJS to a single JavaScript file which runs on the front-end browser.
I read interesting discussions on Reddit [2] and found that there are several packages which let developers embed data/assets/resources/binary in the Go code. Pakcages such as fileb0x, go-bindata, and go.rice are mentioned in the Reddit post, and I made some survey and decided to give fileb0x a try.
go-bindata has more stars and popular on GitHub. The reason why I do not choose go-bindata is that the way that go-bindata embed data in the code is very similar to the way I do in my current project. I use the template package in Go standard library to generate and embed data in Go code. fileb0x, however, embed the data in a separate package that we can import and use in our code, which makes the code more clean, readable, and easy to understand. This is the main reason I choose fileb0x instead of go-bindata.
Now I will show how I embed data in code that runs on front-end browser. I have the following data of succinct trie to be embedded in the code:
108K website/rd.txt
4.0K website/strie_node_count.txt
1.5M website/strie.txt
Install fileb0x first:
$ go get -u github.com/UnnoTed/fileb0x
Next, create a config file to tell fileb0x where to find the data and build a Go package which has the data embedded in the code. The name of output Go package is paliDataVFS. For more detail of config file, see yaml config example.
pkg: paliDataVFS
dest: "github/repo/paliDataVFS/"
fmt: false
compress: false
method: ""
keep: false
clean: false
output: "ab0x.go"
unexporTed: false
spread: false
debug: false
- files:
- "./website/rd.txt"
- "./website/strie_node_count.txt"
- "./website/strie.txt"
base: "./website/"
prefix: "public/"
Save the config as vfsb0x.yaml, and run fileb0x to create Go package:
$ fileb0x vfsb0x.yaml
The output will be github/repo/paliDataVFS/ab0x.go, which contains the data in it. Then I create a repo in GitHub, which is github.com/siongui/paliDataVFS, and commit the ab0x.go to the repo.
Install the package created by fileb0x:
$ go get -u github.com/siongui/paliDataVFS
Now we can access the data in our front-end Go code as follows:
import (
func GetTrieDataFromVFS() (succinctTrieDataBlob string, rankDirectoryDataBlob string, succinctTrieNodeCount uint) {
tmp, _ := paliDataVFS.ReadFile("public/strie.txt")
succinctTrieDataBlob = string(tmp)
tmp, _ = paliDataVFS.ReadFile("public/rd.txt")
rankDirectoryDataBlob = string(tmp)
tmp, _ = paliDataVFS.ReadFile("public/strie_node_count.txt")
tmp2, _ := strconv.ParseUint(string(tmp), 10, 64)
succinctTrieNodeCount = uint(tmp2)
After coding finished, use GopherJS to compile the code to JavaScript! It works!!!
Tested on: Ubuntu Linux 16.10, Go 1.8.1, Chromium Version 57.0.2987.98 Built on Ubuntu , running on Ubuntu 16.10 (64-bit).
[1] | GopherJS - A compiler from Go to JavaScript
GopherJS Playground,
![]() |
[2] |
[3] | GitHub - UnnoTed/fileb0x: simple customizable tool to embed files in go |
[4] | GitHub - jteeuwen/go-bindata: A small utility which generates Go code from any file. Useful for embedding binary data in a Go program. |
[5] | GitHub - GeertJohan/go.rice: go.rice is a Go package that makes working with resources such as html,js,css,images,templates, etc very easy. |
[6] | GitHub - inconshreveable/go-update: Build self-updating Golang programs |
[7] | GitHub - shurcooL/vfsgen: Takes an input http.FileSystem (likely at go generate time) and generates Go code that statically implements it. |
[8] |