[GopherJS] Element Position (Offset)

Get DOM element position (offset) via GopherJS.

Install GopherJS first:

$ go get -u github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs

Source code for element position (offset) via getBoundingClientRect:

package gojs

import "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"

type DOMClientRect struct {
      Bottom string
      Height string
      Left   string
      Right  string
      Top    string
      Width  string

func GetPosition(elm *js.Object) DOMClientRect {
      rect := elm.Call("getBoundingClientRect")
      return DOMClientRect{
              Bottom: rect.Get("bottom").String(),
              Height: rect.Get("height").String(),
              Left:   rect.Get("left").String(),
              Right:  rect.Get("right").String(),
              Top:    rect.Get("top").String(),
              Width:  rect.Get("width").String(),

This comes from answer of Stack Overflow question [3].

Tested on: Ubuntu Linux 15.10, Go 1.6.


[1]GopherJS - A compiler from Go to JavaScript (GitHub, GopherJS Playground, godoc)
[2]GitHub - siongui/gopherjs-utils: useful collections of utilites (functions) for front end (browser) development via GopherJS
[4][AngularJS] Get Element Offset (Position)
[5]JavaScript DOM Element Position (Scroll Position Included)