[Golang] Wait For Goroutines to Finish

This post shows two approaches to wait for all goroutines to finish.

Channel [1]

Wait for all goroutines to finish via channels:

Run Code on Go Playground

package main

import (

func routine(site string, c chan int) {
      defer func() { c <- 1 }()

      // do something

func main() {
      c := make(chan int)

      sites := []string{

      for _, site := range sites {
              go routine(site, c)

      // wait all goroutines to finish
      for i := 0; i < len(sites); i++ {

sync.WaitGroup [4]

Wait for all goroutines to finish via sync.WaitGroup:

Run Code on Go Playground

package main

import (

var wg sync.WaitGroup

func routine(site string) {
      // Decrement the counter when the goroutine completes.
      defer wg.Done()

      // do something

func main() {
      sites := []string{

      for _, site := range sites {
              // Increment the WaitGroup counter.

              go routine(site)

      // wait all goroutines to finish

Tested on: The Go Playground


[1]Waiting for all goroutines to finish before ending main - Google Groups
[2]DuckDuckGo Search: golang wait for goroutine to finish
[3]Google Search: golang wait for goroutine to finish
[4]优雅の使用sync.WaitGroup - hawkingrei | Blog
[5]goroutine anti-pattern? : golang
[6]Non blocking way of notifying a goroutine, by many at once : golang
[7]Can someone explain why this program isn't faster with goroutines? : golang
[8]How to store/retrieve channels in sync map? : golang
[9]Goroutines blocking on channels vs goroutines blocking on system calls : golang
[10]Is it safe to assume that the compiler will make goroutines cooperative regardless of the code? : golang
[11]Thread safe access to struct members : golang
[12]Scheduling In Go : Part III : golang
[13]Help understanding channel blocking : golang