在 Hacker News 看到的有趣帖子,下方的莎士比亞影像:

如果存成zip檔並解開壓縮,裡頭是莎士比亞的完整作品。有趣的創意! 完整討論以及原始的 Twitter 發文,請看下方連結
- JPEG image of Shakespeare which is also a zip file containing his complete works | Hacker News
- Dаvіd Вucһаnаn on Twitter: "Assuming this all works out, the image in this tweet is also a valid ZIP archive, containing a multipart RAR archive, containing the complete works of Shakespeare. … https://t.co/glgrQSz7cK"
- Solidot | Twitter 的图像能被用于传输不同文件类型