Udana V.3 Kuṭṭhi Sutta
The Leper
Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
For free distribution only.
自说经 V.3 麻疯病者经
坦尼沙罗尊者英译, 良稹中译 原文版权所有 © 1998 坦尼沙罗比丘。免费发行。本文允许在任何媒体再版、重排、重印、印发。然而,作者希望任何再版与分发以对公众免费与无限制的形式进行,译文与转载也要求表明作者原衷。 中译版权所有 © 2005 良稹,http://www.theravadacn.org ,流通条件如上。转载时请包括本站连接,并登载本版权声明。 |
I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying in Rajagaha at the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrels' Sanctuary. Now at that time in Rajagaha there was a leper named Suppabuddha, a poor, miserable wretch of a person. And at that time the Blessed One was sitting surrounded by a large assembly, teaching the Dhamma. Suppabuddha the leper saw the large gathering of people from afar and thought to himself, "Without a doubt, someone must be distributing staple or non-staple food over there. Why don't I go over to that large group of people, and maybe I'll get some staple or non-staple food." So he went over to the large group of people. Then he saw the Blessed One sitting surrounded by a large assembly, teaching the Dhamma. On seeing this, he realized, "There's no one distributing staple or non-staple food over here. That's Gotama the contemplative, sitting surrounded by a large assembly, teaching the Dhamma. Why don't I listen to the Dhamma?" So he sat to one side right there, [thinking,] "I, too, will listen to the Dhamma." | 如是我闻,一时薄伽梵住王舍城竹林的松鼠园。尔时王舍城有一麻疯病者苏巴菩达,乃贫穷、悲惨、潦倒之人。其时薄伽梵为众人围绕,正端坐说法。麻疯病者苏巴菩达于远处见此众人,心想: “无疑那里必有人布施主食副食。我何不去那众人处,或者可得些主食副食。” 于是朝那群人走去。他看见薄伽梵为众人围绕,正端坐说法。见此,他意识到:“这里并没有人布施主食副食。那是沙门乔达摩为众人围绕,正端坐说法。我何不听法?” 他当即坐于一边,[心想]:“我也愿听法。” |
Then the Blessed One, having encompassed the awareness of the entire assembly with his awareness, asked himself, "Now who here is capable of understanding the Dhamma?" He saw Suppabuddha the leper sitting in the assembly, and on seeing him the thought occurred to him, "This person here is capable of understanding the Dhamma." So, aiming at Suppabuddha the leper, he gave a step-by-step talk, i.e., a talk on giving, a talk on virtue, a talk on heaven; he declared the drawbacks, degradation, & corruption of sensual passions, and the rewards of renunciation. Then when he saw that Suppabuddha the leper's mind was ready, malleable, free from hindrances, elated, & bright, he then gave the Dhamma-talk peculiar to Awakened Ones, i.e., stress, origination, cessation, & path. And just as a clean cloth, free of stains, would properly absorb a dye, in the same way, as Suppabuddha the leper was sitting in that very seat, the dustless, stainless Dhamma eye arose within him, "Whatever is subject to origination is all subject to cessation." | 其时,世尊以他的觉知包容了全体在场者的觉知后,自问:“现在,这里有谁能理解法?” 他看见麻疯病者苏巴菩达坐在人群之中,看见他时,他想: “此人能理解法。” 于是,针对麻疯病者苏巴菩达,他作了一场循序渐进的开示,即,一段布施说,一段戒德说,一段天界说; 他宣说了感官之欲的过患、降格、退败,以及出离的果报。接著,他看见麻疯病者苏巴菩达的心预备、可塑、五盖除却、提升、明亮,便作了一场诸觉者特有的法义开示,即:苦、苦因、苦的止息、苦的止息之道。如无垢、洁净之布得以善吸染料,同样地,麻疯病者苏巴菩达正端坐原地,即升起内在无尘、无垢的法眼:“凡缘起者,皆趋向止息。” |
Having seen the Dhamma, reached the Dhamma, known the Dhamma, gained a footing in the Dhamma, having crossed over & beyond doubt, having had no more perplexity, having gained fearlessness & independence from others with regard to the Teacher's message, he rose up from his seat and went to the Blessed One. On arrival, having bowed down to the Blessed One, he sat to one side. As he was sitting there he said to the Blessed One: "Magnificent, lord! Magnificent! Just as if the Blessed One were to place upright what was overturned, to reveal what was hidden, to show the way to one who was lost, or were to carry a lamp into the dark so that those with eyes could see forms, in the same way has the Blessed One -- through many lines of reasoning -- made the Dhamma clear. I go to the Blessed One for refuge, to the Dhamma, and to the Community of monks. May the Blessed One remember me as a lay follower who has gone to him for refuge, from this day forward, for life." | 既已见法、证法、解法,于法中立足,已超越,不再有疑、不再有惑,已证得无畏、于导师之教言不再依赖他人,他离座走向薄伽梵。近前向薄伽梵顶礼后,坐于一边。坐于一边后,他对薄伽梵道: “胜哉,世尊,胜哉!薄伽梵正好比将颠倒之物置正、把隐秘之事揭开、为迷途者指路、在黑夜里举灯、使有目者见形,同样地,薄伽梵藉种种方便,阐明了法。我归依薄伽梵、归依法、归依僧。愿薄伽梵记得我这个从今日起一生归依于他的优婆夷。” |
Then Suppabuddha the leper, having been instructed, urged, roused, & encouraged by the Blessed One's Dhamma talk, delighting & approving of the Blessed One's words, got up from his seat, bowed down to the Blessed One, circumambulated him -- keeping him to his right -- and left. Not long after his departure he was attacked & killed by a cow with a young calf. | 于是麻疯病者苏巴菩达受薄伽梵说法的教导、敦促、鼓励、激励,对薄伽梵之言心悦、随喜,离座起身,对薄伽梵顶礼、右绕后离去。离去不久,他即被一头带著小牛的母牛撞死了。 |
Then a large number of monks approached the Blessed One and, on arrival, having bowed down to him, sat to one side. As they were sitting there, they said to the Blessed One, "Lord, the leper named Suppabuddha, whom the Blessed One instructed, urged, roused, & encouraged with a Dhamma talk, has died. What is his destination? What is his future state?" | 此后有众比丘朝薄伽梵走来,近前向薄伽梵顶礼后、坐于一边。坐于一边后,他们对薄伽梵说,“世尊,那麻疯病者苏巴菩达,受薄伽梵说法的教导、敦促、鼓励、激励者,今已死矣。他的趣向为何? 他的来世为何?” |
"Monks, Suppabuddha the leper was wise. He practiced the Dhamma in accordance with the Dhamma and did not pester me with issues related to the Dhamma. With the destruction of the first three fetters, he is a stream-winner, not subject to states of deprivation, headed for self-awakening for sure." | “比丘们,麻疯病者苏巴菩达有智慧。他如法修持,未在法义上与我纠缠。随著前三种束缚的摧毁,他是入流者,不坠恶趣,必然走向自觉醒。” |
When this was said, one of the monks said to the Blessed One, "Lord, what was the cause, what was the reason, why Suppabuddha the leper was such a poor, miserable wretch of a person?" | 言毕,一比丘对薄伽梵说:“世尊,是什么因、是什么缘,麻疯病者苏巴菩达何以如此贫穷、悲惨、潦倒?”” |
Once, monks, in this very Rajagaha, Suppabuddha the leper was the son of a rich money-lender. While being escorted to a pleasure park, he saw Tagarasikhi the Private Buddha going for alms in the city. On seeing him, he thought, 'Who is this leper prowling about?' Spitting and disrespectfully turning his left side to Tagarasikhi the Private Buddha, he left. As a result of that deed he boiled in hell for many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years, many hundreds of thousands of years. And then as a result of that deed he became a poor, miserable wretch of a person in this very Rajagaha. But on encountering the Dhamma & Discipline made known by the Tathagata, he acquired conviction, virtue, learning, relinquishment, & discernment. Having acquired conviction, virtue, learning, relinquishment, & discernment on encountering the Dhamma & Discipline made known by the Tathagata, now -- on the break-up of the body, after death -- he has reappeared in a good destination, the heavenly world, in company with the devas of the heaven of the Thirty-three. There he outshines the other devas both in beauty & in glory." | “比丘们,一时就在此王舍城内,苏巴菩达乃一富有的放贷人之子。他随护卫往游乐园途中,见独觉佛多伽罗尸迦在城里托钵。见时他想:‘这徘徊觅食的麻疯病者是谁?’ 他朝独觉佛多伽罗尸迦唾啐、并无礼地以左侧对之离去。作为该业的果报,他在地狱里煎熬了许多年、许多百年、许多千年、许多千万年。作为该业的果报,他就在此王舍城内,成为一贫穷、悲惨、潦倒的麻疯病者。然而,缘见如来宣说法与律,他获得信心、戒德、学问、离欲、明辨。既已缘见如来宣说法与律而获得信心、戒德、学问、离欲、明辨,如今身坏命终,他重现善趣、天界,与三十三天的诸天神为伴。他在彼处的美丽与荣耀胜于诸天神。” |
Then, on realizing the significance of that, the Blessed One on that occasion exclaimed:
A person with good eyes,
a treacherous, uneven place,
would try hard to avoid it.
A wise person, in the world of life,
should avoid
evil deeds.