Sn 20.7 Āṇi Sutta
The Peg
Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
For free distribution only.
相應部20.7 釘銷經
坦尼沙羅尊者英譯, 良稹中譯 原文版權所有 © 1998 坦尼沙羅比丘。免費發行。本文允許在任何媒體再版、重排、重印、印發。然而,作者希望任何再版與分發以對公衆免費與無限制的形式進行,譯文與轉載也要求表明作者原衷。 中譯版權所有 © 2007 良稹,http://www.theravadacn.org ,流通條件如上。轉載時請包括本站連接,並登載本版權聲明。 |
Staying at Savatthi. "Monks, there once was a time when the Dasarahas had a large drum called 'Summoner.' Whenever Summoner was split, the Dasarahas inserted another peg in it, until the time came when Summoner's original wooden body had disappeared and only a conglomeration of pegs remained. [1] | 於舍衛城。“比丘們,曾幾何時,陀舍羅訶人有一面名爲‘召集者'的大鼓。每當‘召集者'出現裂紋時,陀舍羅訶人便另以一釘銷補合,至終,‘召集者'原先的木質鼓身已失,只剩一堆釘銷。 [1] |
"In the same way, in the course of the future there will be monks who won't listen when discourses that are words of the Tathagata — deep, deep in their meaning, transcendent, connected with emptiness — are being recited. They won't lend ear, won't set their hearts on knowing them, won't regard these teachings as worth grasping or mastering. But they will listen when discourses that are literary works — the works of poets, elegant in sound, elegant in rhetoric, the work of outsiders, words of disciples — are recited. They will lend ear and set their hearts on knowing them. They will regard these teachings as worth grasping & mastering. | “同樣地,未來時期,當如來所說的諸經——深邃、出世、相應空性——被持誦時,將會有比丘不願聽。他們不願傾聽、不用心理解、不以此教言值得領悟值得把握。然而,當文學造著的諸經——詩人聲雅辭美之作、外道之說、弟子之言——被持誦時,他們卻願意聽。他們願意傾聽、用心理解、以此教言值得領悟值得把握。 |
"In this way the disappearance of the discourses that are words of the Tathagata — deep, deep in their meaning, transcendent, connected with emptiness — will come about. | “如來所說的諸經——深邃、出世、相應空性——將以此種方式消失。 |
"Thus you should train yourselves: 'We will listen when discourses that are words of the Tathagata — deep, deep in their meaning, transcendent, connected with emptiness — are being recited. We will lend ear, will set our hearts on knowing them, will regard these teachings as worth grasping & mastering.' That's how you should train yourselves." | “因此,你們應當訓練自己:‘當如來所說的諸經——深邃、出世、相應空性——被持誦時,我們要聽。我們要傾聽、用心理解、以此教言值得領悟值得把握。'你們應當如此訓練自己。” |
[1] | (1, 2) 注疏中說,該鼓原先十二由旬之外尚可聽,最終一重帷幕之隔不可聞[1由旬爲公牛掛軛行走一日之旅程]。 |