Tiṃsa pāramī (三十波羅蜜, The Thirty Perfections) - 巴利唸誦

Tiṃsa pāramī (三十波羅蜜, The Thirty Perfections)
巴利 (來源 [1]) 英譯 (來源 [1])
paṭhaṃ, dāna pāramī, dāna upapāramī, dāna paramatthapāramī First, the ordinary Perfection of charity, the superior Perfection of charity, the supreme Perfection of charity.
dutiyaṃ, sīla pāramī, sīla upapāramī, sīla paramatthapāramī Second, the ordinary Perfection of morality, the superior Perfection of morality, the supreme Perfection of morality.
tatiyaṃ, nekkhamma pāramī, nekkhamma upapāramī, nekkhamma paramatthapāramī Third, the ordinary Perfection of renunciation, the superior Perfection of renunciation, the supreme Perfection of renunciation.
catutthaṃ, paññā pāramī, paññā upapāramī, paññā paramatthapāramī Fourth, the ordinary Perfection of wisdom, the superior Perfection of wisdom, the supreme Perfection of wisdom.
pañcamaṃ, viriya pāramī, viriya upapāramī, viriya paramatthapāramī Fifth, the ordinary Perfection of energy, the superior Perfection of energy, the supreme Perfection of energy.
chaṭṭhamaṃ, khantī pāramī, khantī upapāramī, khantī paramatthapāramī Sixth, the ordinary Perfection of patience, the superior Perfection of patience, the supreme Perfection of patience.
sattamaṃ, saccā pāramī, saccā upapāramī, saccā paramatthapāramī Seventh, the ordinary Perfection of truthfulness, the superior Perfection of truthfulness, the supreme Perfection of truthfulness.
aṭṭhamaṃ, adhiṭṭhāna pāramī, adhiṭṭhāna upapāramī, adhiṭṭhāna paramatthapāramī Eighth, the ordinary Perfection of resolution, the superior Perfection of resolution, the supreme Perfection of resolution.
navamaṃ, mettā pāramī, mettā upapāramī, mettā paramatthapāramī Ninth, the ordinary Perfection of loving-kindness, the superior Perfection of loving-kindness, the supreme Perfection of loving-kindness.
dasamaṃ, upekkhā pāramī, upekkhā upapāramī, upekkhā paramatthapāramī Tenth, the ordinary Perfection of equanimity, the superior Perfection of equanimity, the supreme Perfection of equanimity.
samatiṃ sapāramī metti mettā karuṇā muditā upekkhā kusalasampanno All the thirty Perfections, together with friendship, loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity abound with wholesomeness.

Tiṃsa pāramī (三十波羅蜜, The Thirty Perfections)


[1](1, 2) TIṂSA PĀRAMĪ (The Thirty Perfections) - PART 1 - Thai-Pali-English Chanting Book
[2]Pāramī The (Ten) Perfections (Of The Buddha) (p. 108) - Chanting Book of Wat Phra Dhātu Srī Chomtong Voravihāra
[3]DASAPĀRAMĪ GĀTHĀ 十波罗蜜之偈 - Part 3 - Pali-Mandarin Chanting Book
[4]TIṀSA PĀRAMĪ Thirty Perfections 三十波罗蜜 Daily Contemplation - Pali-Thai-English-Chinese Chanting Book 2
[5]THE TEN PERFECTIONS - Honouring the Buddha’s possession of the ten or thirty perfections (pāramī) Samatha Chanting Book (Chanting Book on Scribd)
[6]パーリ仏教における三十波羅蜜 - 勝本 華蓮 ( かつもと かれん, Karen Katsumoto ) 著 (叡山学院講師)
[7]30 PĀRAMĪ (The Thirty Perfections of the Buddha) - Dhamma Wheel
[8]Chantings 30 Parami - แสนสุขสมบูรณ์
[9]l a o * m i a o *: 280707 That Luang - 05 parts of that
[10]คำไหว้บารมี 30 ทัศ 84000.org


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