People have been found to become ... - Dhamma by Ajahn Jayasāro

People have been found to become more honest in a room in which a photograph of a pair of eyes is displayed on the wall. People who cannot resist eating unhealthy foods have been helped by a requirement that they look into a mirror as they choose their food. People who must sign a declaration of honesty at the top of a tax form rather than at the bottom, tend to fill it in more accurately.

In such cases, a timely external reminder of agreements, of values or goals can help people to make wiser choices. How much more so when we are able to cultivate a constant inner awareness of our values and aspirations, independent of external support.

Mindfulness is not simply a non-judgemental awareness of the present moment. It includes bearing in mind the principles on which we seek to found our life, even when - or especially when - we are subject to pressure or temptation

People have been found to become
