At the end of last year ... - Dhamma by Ajahn Jayasāro

At the end of last year, as I wandered through some of the most remote villages in Bihar State in northeast India I was surprised by the dogs. Usually, village dogs are taught to be suspicious of strangers and to bark loudly if an unfamiliar figure approaches their master's house. These dogs simply looked at me for a moment with lazy eyes, and then returned to what they were doing, or went back to sleep.

It soon became clear to me that these animals had not been trained as guard dogs because the houses contained nothing to be stolen. These people were so poor that they had no need to be afraid of thieves.

As I walked on I reflected how much people's fear and aggression is due to their need to protect an image of themselves. When we feel no need to hide or protect anything about ourselves, we feel as free and relaxed as a sleepy dog in front of an empty house.

At the end of last year
