Theravādan Buddhists believe that the Buddha ... - Dhamma by Ajahn Jayasāro

Theravādan Buddhists believe that the Buddha was born, realized enlightenment and passed away on the full moon of May. This day is known as Visākha Pūjā (or Vesak) and is commemorated around the world. In Thailand, after the moon has risen, lay Buddhists join monks and nuns in candle-lit circumambulations around stūpas or Buddha statues in monasteries.

The Buddha grew up in luxurious surroundings. He left all comfort behind him in order to search for the truth. He spent years practising the most severe austerities before realizing that asceticism could not burn away the deepest defilements in the human heart.

On the night of the full moon of May, as he meditated under a bodhi tree, the Buddha discovered the Middle Way between indulgence of the senses and blind asceticism. He proved through his own efforts that human beings have within them the potential to transcend all suffering. He spent the rest of his life teaching the path to liberation with wisdom and compassion.

Homage to the Buddha, the Blessed One, the Fully Englightened One!
Theravādan Buddhists believe that the Buddha
