An old story tells of the day ... - Dhamma by Ajahn Jayasāro

An old story tells of the day on which Jīvaka, the Buddha's physician, graduated from his medical studies at Taxila University. On that morning Jīvaka's teacher gave him the task of walking out in the countryside surrounding the university for the whole day and of bringing him back specimens of every kind of plant with no medicinal properties whatsoever. Jīvaka returned in the evening, head downcast. He had been unable to find a single plant with no medicinal properties at all, and he was sure that he had failed his exam. But his teacher smiled and said ‘Now that you have realised that every single plant has a medicinal property of one kind or another, you are ready to leave the university, go out into the world, and begin healing.

All unenlightened beings suffer. With Right View, every single experience, welcome or unwelcome, pleasant or painful, may be used by students of Buddhism to cure the ignorance and craving that causes that suffering. Our love of learning and capacity for learning enables us to go beyond a life in which we are endlessly struggling to escape the unpleasant and hold tightly to the pleasant.

An old story tells of the day
