The Buddha taught us to constantly ... - Dhamma by Ajahn Jayasāro

The Buddha taught us to constantly turn our attention to impermanence. But few people take his advice. Impermanence seems so obvious that most of us don't see the value of spending time reflecting on it. In fact, the simple truth of change is incredibly profound. The suffering that we experience in life is proof that we don't really understand change, because the more we understand change the less we suffer, and the one who truly understands change is liberated from suffering.

Consider: ‘This pleasure is unstable.’ ‘This pleasure cannot last.’ ‘This pleasure is changing moment by moment.’ ‘This pleasure has an end.’ ‘This pain is unstable.’ ‘This pain cannot last.’ ‘This pain is changing moment by moment.’ ‘This pain has an end’

Investigating in this way is the path to wisdom.

The Buddha taught us to constantly
